Finally Work 'Christmas' dinner lol - wee bit TMI


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
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So girls (and 1 guy) from work finally got out for dinner last night as our belated 'Christmas' night out. Cancelled twice - once due to crazy snow in December and then cos I was off work on sick. We just went to local Chinese buffett and then to nearby bar for few drinks. The food was brilliant but I discovered even if I wanted to go get really really drunk I can't do it lol Had said to DH that I didn't want to drink much cos even though I don't think this is our month I don't want to take any chances. Had couple glasses wine with dinner then in bar ordered alcopop and so so struggled to even drink it, next drink was orange juice which I couldn't even drink at all (strange). Girls kept saying night is young keep drinking but physically wasn't happening. They all went home leaving me in bar to waiting for DH (he's doorman so was waiting for him to take me home). Got home at 2.30am, straight to bed and sleep but was rudely wakened at 4am with urgent need to be sick. It was so bad I was having visions of DH wakening up in morning and finding me still on bathroom floor. :eh: No idea what caused this and am still feeling so so queezy that I'm dreading going into work now. What a way to end a really nice wee night out - where we probably left a lot of people with very very red hot ears from all our girly slagging matches lol
Being pregnant (before I knew) put me right off booze, I still can't drink more than 2 glasses now it's just not appealing :dust: hope it's a sign :) xx
Princess I would love if it was a sign. Really don't hold up much hope for this month even though we got in as much :bd: as OH night shift would allow during OV time. :dust::dust: If not our month will def get the OPK out and try and get the lines all sorted
Well u never know hun :-D
And u aren't out til the :witch: gets you :dust:
I was the same wen I was pregnant,had 1 drink that I couldn't finish and made me feel ill and in past pregnancies I've been known to chuck beer down the sink cos dh's mates used to go on at me about been allowed a couple so used to open it,sip it then chuck it wen they weren't lookin lol xx
when i was out one night i couldnt drink atall, i made me feel sick! i didnt know then but i was pregnant! :love:

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