Finally - I think baby might want to meet us after all !!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2007
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Well i think things are finally moving along :cheer: :cheer: I had a sweep yesterday morning and thought nothing was going to happen as the sweep didn't really feel to be done that well, anyway we have been out shopping all day and i have been having braxton hicks on and off all day...

Got home about an hour or so ago and been having them quite a lot every 3 mins but only lasting about 30 sec's and also had a small show :dance: since being home and the s**ts (TMI sorry) really moving along for me now stopped playing hide and seek and wants to meet us :cheer: so all sounds good, im guessing baby will be born tomorrow maybe or tonight if it carrys on stong....

I will let you know if more happens, am going to ring the midwife unit in a bit and just let them know seee what they say and going to chill on the sofa for a bit :D

Hummm scared now!!! :shock: lol

Smurf is my text buddy so she will update if i can't :hug:
Al the best hunnie and here's to you holding you lo very soon!!! :cheer: :hug:
Good luck Paula, hope it happens really quickly and painlessly for you

xxxxx :hug: :hug:
Very best wishes, will be thinking of you :hug:
Ok well i am about to leave for the MW unit now as they are every 3 mins or so so been told to make my way in....

Wish me luck and we will soon know what sex baby is :cheer:

Thanks everyone xx :hug:
ooh good luck paula, if you deliver tomorrow you'll have had the same due date and birth date as my little son 2 years ago

Best of luck Paula I am eagerly awaiting your news and will update here once your LO has arrived.
ok im saying pink :cheer:

goodluck u will do just fine :)

any news smurf ;) :p
Only just seen this
Good luck :cheer:

Hope your holdin your lo now or wil be very soon :D :hug:
Just read the post. Good luck Paula, hope you'll be holding your little one soon! This is so exciting! :dance:

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