Mine havre been reduced to bugger all coz apparently they over paid us last tax year. Not impressed
Did you get your nice healthy backdated payment BubbleOne?!!

Did you get your nice healthy backdated payment BubbleOne?!!

Manda said:Wish us luck we're just in the processs of applying for benefits and we're p****d off already - firstly we were wrongly advised about child benefit and have now lost out on a weeks payments, then we went to sort out jobseekers and they were complete idiots, both me and Dan have always worked and never claimed anything, i didn't even get maternity allowance as i was in Oz, they made us feel really guilty for claiming and Dan told them he wished we hadn't bothered grrrrrrrrrrr all that NI we've paid over the years and you get all these scroungers that haven't worked a day in there lives it really p****s me off. Should be fun with the tax credits![]()