Finally getting Child Tax Credits!!

Mine havre been reduced to bugger all coz apparently they over paid us last tax year. Not impressed :evil:
Did you get your nice healthy backdated payment BubbleOne?!! :D :D
Yeah I did Sami.

Was only about 350 though!! Not complaining but was expecting more :roll:

Think it was 88pound short but I don't think I have the strength to complain to them anymore!!
Great im really looking forward to being ripped off in a few months then lol!!!! If i dont go back to work for a while, and alan is on 30000 what should i get? i dont really understand tax credits.

The thing is in my job as a nursery assistant i get paid £4.93 an hour (i know! im only there cause i love the children to bits) And then that gets taxed and nat insurance, so i get £644.00 before tax and NI!!!!! a month, childcare fee's there are £53.00 a day and i would get 30% off so its still like £37.00 a day (is that right?) im not very good at maths lol. and i earn £39.00 a day, obviously i would get childcare vouchers so to cut some tax off the fee's. But still initially i would be earning £2.00 a day in theory after childcare fee's!!! so there would be no point going into work!!

But me and Alan want to move house and get a mortgage cause when we sell this house (his moms) we get half so about £100k to use towards a new house and a big deposit. So we have worked mortgages out to around £800.00 a month, am i going to have to go out and get a completely new job? if so what would you recommend that i can train within aswell to go higher in time?...I was hoping to go back to college, before i found out i was PG i had been accepted a place doing a levels in TVU, english, history, government and politics and geography, that would start in december but i would have to wait till the mid year start now, may i think? would this be feasable and would i get any benifits? I will also go and get advice at the job centre later but you guys usually know alot and are very helpfull.

Sorry i kind of hijacked the thread :? cheers cas xx
Wish us luck we're just in the processs of applying for benefits and we're p****d off already - firstly we were wrongly advised about child benefit and have now lost out on a weeks payments, then we went to sort out jobseekers and they were complete idiots, both me and Dan have always worked and never claimed anything, i didn't even get maternity allowance as i was in Oz, they made us feel really guilty for claiming and Dan told them he wished we hadn't bothered grrrrrrrrrrr all that NI we've paid over the years and you get all these scroungers that haven't worked a day in there lives it really p****s me off. Should be fun with the tax credits :shock:
Manda said:
Wish us luck we're just in the processs of applying for benefits and we're p****d off already - firstly we were wrongly advised about child benefit and have now lost out on a weeks payments, then we went to sort out jobseekers and they were complete idiots, both me and Dan have always worked and never claimed anything, i didn't even get maternity allowance as i was in Oz, they made us feel really guilty for claiming and Dan told them he wished we hadn't bothered grrrrrrrrrrr all that NI we've paid over the years and you get all these scroungers that haven't worked a day in there lives it really p****s me off. Should be fun with the tax credits :shock:

Manda I worked for years then went travelling for 1 year. When I came back (and was 5 1/2 months pregnant) I wasn't entitled to ANYTHING because I hadn't paid NI the previous year. I couldn't get jobseekers cos who was gonna give me a job looking that pregnant!?

I know this is not the topic but it was really annoying knowing if I was a foreigner arriving here I would have been really looked after!
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is all i can say :?
Guess what people, am I lucky or what!!! I applied for help with nursery fees - you know how they can pay up to 70% of costs, well they sent a letter today and they are giving me £5oo per month...Funny that considering her fee's just now for 2 days are only £300. Blunder in the making already eh. If only they'd pay me that!! I wish :roll:
I have been on the phone to them for ages, it seems I got overpaid because they carried over what my OH earned 2 years ago to last year. He only got 12k 2004-2005 cos he was self employed at first and got screwed over by his partner.
I did tell them he was due to earn about 18 grand 2005-2006, and on the form it does say 18 grand but as our COMBINED income. I can't have seen that bit, I thought everything was right, these forms are so bloody confusing, and they alwawys send me about 6 different letters with different info on each one! :(
I have writen them a letter, we will really be struggling now as I'm only going back to work 5 hours a week cos that's all my mom can have Brody.

KX, they probably will pay you the whole £500, then demand it all back in a lump sum.

Urchin, I have a whole filing cabinet drawer dedicated to tax credits. Last time we got a pile of letters, an exact copy for each of us, telling us we'd get nothing, followed 2 days later with abother bunch telling us how they were going to pay £0.00 into our bank account. I hope it's hamster friendly ink - it's going to have a years supply of bedding when we can shred them

Manda, you should have lost your passport on the way back and claimed assylum :wink:

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