Finally get an answer???


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
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Ok so not posted in the last few weeks cos to be honest been trying to stop myself obsessing over my mystery non-existant af!!!! Lol So a little update I had a hospital appointment on 27th April & spent most of the morning explaining how I've been ttc for almost a year & how I've not had af since jan to a couple of docs. Only to be told that I had to wait another month for an ultrasound to see if everythin is ok!! No explanation or even idea of what could be causing it!! : ( was just told I needed to have some blood taken for testing & to come back on 25th may. I was depressed & ended up back at the office crying, not good! Anyway 3 days later I receive a letter from the hospital for an ultrasound on the 11th may?? So have they found something from my bloods?? Is there something wrong or have they just got an available space come up??? Driving me insane, ARGH!!!!! Don't no wot to think & am now just hoping tues comes quick!!! Altho I'm a little apprehensive, everytime I think I'm going to get answers they make me wait again, so don't want to think I'm going to find out then they say I gotta wait for results on 25th!?!? Now cd 103!!! Lol really really didn't expect to be still waiting at this point. : ( But fingers crossed for tues xxx
I can't offer any advice but didn't wana read and run. Hope u get some answers soon,fingers crossed ul b sorted soon :hug: xxx
Oh you have had a tough time of it haven't you. Maybee they just told you a month as thats the std turn around time they give out so not to disapoint people and always give a better service than you expect.. Good luck on tuesday, let us know how you get on..
Try not to be too anxious, they most probably just have a vacancy.

Good luck xx
I was told the same thing about having to wait a month and also had to have bloods taken - My bloods were done the next day and then I got a call from the scan unit to book me in for 3 days after that, They had a cancellation and thats why I got in so quick.

I hope they can give you some answers hun x x x

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