FIL hates the names ive picked

this si why ive kept 4 choice of names away from everyone x
I'm sorry who's child is it?? not his so why should he make any decisions at all.

In respects to the swearing I would tell him until he can stop teaching him to swear he won't be allowed to speak to him on the phone no if's but's or maybe's.

bellaraven ive told OH about his dad teaching the wean to swear again the other day after promising last week he would stop safe to say OH is extremely angry, im at my wits end to be bluntly honest girls, if i say anything to my FIL then his oldest daughter who is 2 and a half years younger than me gets the aggressive head on. i know that my FIL will start when it comes to godparents as were not having ANY family as godparents and for the christening we wont be having a big party after it, just a few selected people out for dinner but this wont suit them as they prefer a big party, with my son we were forced into having a big christening and it was a shambles as my family sat at one end of the hall and my inlaws sat at the other side there was no mingling, i was forced to hire a dj not one person got up to dance, now due to personal reasons i dont have my family there for me anymore so LO christening would be my friends and OH family and friends and i dont see why i should sit there on the day of my childs christening with it being forced in my face that my family wont be there xx
This is why I kept my pregnancy quiet for a while!!!

Once you tell people you get all sort of opinions on every aspect of your life.

Luckily we've had a good reaction to our preliminary choice of names :lol:


when it comes to FIL i get opinions on everything no matter if im pregnant or not lol xx
Sounds like he has a need to be in control all the time and until someone stands up to him to stop it then it won't stop and you will keep being forced to do what you don't want to do.

It may be difficult to stand up to him but ultimately this is your life which should be controlled by you not him.

Hope you can get it sorted soon xxx
thats it sorted lost the plot today, i called him to let him know my son got accepted to nursery for next year and when i told him what nurseries i had sent applications to he said i should have put my son into the one his kids went to, i lost the plot and told him NO ,my son my nursery choices just like my bump my name choice :) xx
I think they are lovely names. Well done for speaking your mind. x
Awww hun, we have the same kinda thing with my in-laws. They don't want to know the sex of the baby which is fine but when we discussed names neither of them liked our girls or boys names. We had Thomas Joesph for a boy (Joesph is my grandad). They are also trying to control alot of the things in our life and i must stress to you how important it is you stick up for yourself, i realli wish i had sooner cos I got to 31 weeks pregnant before i exploded at them and everything came out at once x
My family are not shy of telling my about names they don't like!! So I understand.

Both your names are lovely, boy or girl - ignore him, he can talk to himself, - hes not the one having the baby, sounds like a bit of a control freek to me, let him have no control over you, let him not see your riled up and he will loose as he will be the one not in control, (let that rile him!) ha

Your life, your baby, your choices - enjoy X
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Well Done Mandii , Maybe now he will back off a bit :) xxx
It's your baby name it what you and hubbie like, it's nothing to do with him.
As for pressuring you to get baby Christened that terrible, religion is totally up to you so stand firm if your against it.
buggy i am catholic therefor a christening is part of my religion however as its such a special day for a baby i wanted to wait till i had the money to have the party afterwards etc, but FIL couldnt wait so my son ended up with a crap party cause i didnt have enough money for a good one xx
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