few baby questions!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2011
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few questions here ladies!

1. When my little girl was born she had a lump on her head due to keep coming up and down the birth canal, at first it was soft but now at nearly 7 week old its still there and seems hard.. i asked the health visitor and she said its fine but im still worried :(

2. Past couple of days myahs been whingy alot, even though shes been fed, changed and winded she still crys! she takes a dummy for a few minutes then spits it back out to chew her hands. any ideas what it could be?

3. A few days ago she was on 6oz feeds and taking the full bottle no problem and was a happy little baby, suddenly now shes only taken 3-4oz and sleeping all through the night. she only really has a 6oz feed when she wakes up in the morning. Doesnt help that when MIL has her she doesnt give her much chance to finish a bottle of and wastes half the bottle!

4. she only seems to poo once a day, its a full nappy but half of it is solid and half is soft. Is this normal?

sorry for so many questions! just wanna make sure im doing the right thing! :)
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Babies have varying appetites like we do so she might be having enough milk esp if she's sleeping, she may have just gone through that 6 week growth spurt. Kynon don't like dummies either and prefers to chew on his hands, babies use their mouths to explore, she could be starting teething, it can go on for months but she's still a little young for that, altho def a possibility!

Lots of babies poo once a day, not sure about the consistency though as I'm bfing so only get runny nappys!

Not sure about her head lump, maybe mention it at your 8 week check up again if that's coming up soon?

She could be coming down with a cold, Kynon got all those symptoms just before getting his, which he still has and has turned into ear infection, does she have a temp at all?
Not really sure but the hands in mouth thing sounds like teething, is she dribbling or knawing down on things? Try putting (a clean) finger into her mouth & see if she clamps down on it (as if trying to chew) then you'll know if its teething or not, if it is you can get various different things.

Sorry cant help much with the other issues.

Thanks girls! I thought it was teething but wasn't sure with her age! She does dribble and chomp down on my finger too! Everytime I ask about this lump they just tell me not to worry! There not really very helpful about it! She had her last feed at 12ish last night, it was 6oz's and she took the whole bottle, and slept all the way through til 11-12! Is that even normal? I worry so much! And she doesn't seem to have a temperature xx
I can relate! Grace has recently been doing the chomping on her hands/drooling a lot. She's feeding very well and I usually know when she's hungry or just wanting to soothe herself. I asked my mum if it could be her teeth but mum said it's too early for that, I was pilled up on iron tablets when I was pregnant though so you never know! I think baby's can get the pre-teething symptoms early but doesn't necessarily mean they're teething, maybe Myah feels a little irritated? Her body is still growing and developing remember :)

Grace has been really hard to settle the past three nights, it's awful :( She's definitely more whiny lately and is also wasting bottles too, she sometimes drinks loads though. She's also been awake a lot compared to what she was like when she was a newborn. Her naps in the day time have decreased in length, she used to sleep for hours but only gets little naps now.

Maybe she's cranky hun?
Grace had a whine half an hour ago.. She had been fed and changed and even had some attention from us as well as a little half hour nap. I was going to go make her a bottle because she was sucking my finger but after putting her in her bouncer and rocking her, she's fallen asleep! So it was a good job I didn't make a bottle otherwise it would have been a waste. She was looking around for a while being nosey but I could tell she wanted to sleep. I think baby's find it hard to fall asleep sometimes, which is why they like being rocked to sleep, sung to sleep etc. Try soothing her to sleep but if she's screaming and making a big fuss you'll know she wants more milk, that's how I know when Grace is very hungry, she screams for Wales!

Oh and Grace usually only does 1 poo a day as well, sometimes more but very rarely. I've noticed she has wet poo's but sometimes has quite hard one's. I read that if they're rock hard you need to call your health visitor, but if they're hard but still squish-able then it's fine. I've been pushing the poop down with the nappy to see how hard it is and I can usually flatten it lol gross! But that's how I know it's okay. xxx
I wouldnt worry about her pooing once a day, Ella usually goes every 2-3 days i have some constipation meds form the dr but dont like giving her anything if i can help it. if shes struggling i give her cool boiled water inbetween feeds and a few hours later she will poop!

I think babies do just pick and chose what they want and when they want it, ella has only finsihed a 5oz bottle about 3 times over the last couple of days - im lucky to get 3oz out of her most of the time but shes feeding more frequently so i expect her to take less - shes a happy baby and shes putting weight on so im not worried.

Ella went through a couple of days of being really whingy and i realised it was because she was so used to being held all the time i had a hard couple of days of leaving her on her play mat/bouncer/rocker alone and let her cry it out so she knew she wasnt going to get picked up. now she only cries if she is trying to tell me something and i am finding it so much easier, its hard leaving them to cry but trust me it will make your life so much easier xx

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