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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Ella was still hungry after her 5 oz bottle today so I gave her water for the first time, she had 1 and a half oz. All day she has been whingy and crying and this is not usual for her, she has hardly slept when she usually does in the day and her sick is strange, its like it is curdeled.
Has anyone else babies had sick like this, do you think the water has coused it and caused her to be unsettled or maybe it could just be colic?

I dont know if teh water has caused this but i breast feed kiara and her spit somtimes comes up a little curdled at times as well so i think its normal.
As for water i dont think your suppost to give them water at all cuz milk is all they need and water will just fill them up without nutrients? but thats what a nurse had told me correct me if im wrong.
Hope its all okay. take care
she isnt getting full from her 5oz bottles so going to give her 6oz in a bit see how she goes but dont think i will give her water again, i agree i dont think they need it but i thought it might top her up from her bottle before rather than heating another and wasting it if u get me.
the reason babys have water is because they get thursty aswell sometimes so if u give them a normal bottle and they are still crying i would recommend water (boiled and cooled ) theres no harm in giving babys it as a top up obviously milk is most important still .
Breast fed babies do not need anything other than breast milk until they are about 6mths old.
Bottle fed babies can get thirsty so some boiled, cooled water is fine on occasion.
Phoebe only has water if she is not due a feed soon but is crying and I have tried every thing else!!
This tends to be less than once a week though.
I think it's a good idea to see if Ella wants more milk.
Some people give their babies more milk at their first and last feeds. Maybe you could try this?
As for the sick. I don't know but it doesn't sound like anything to worry about xxx
my HV told me that the curdled sick is milk mixed in their stomach juices, and that it is perfectly normal x
well I agve her 6oz and she took all of it, she has only been goin 3hours between feeds and has been sleeping through then has to catch up on her feeds, so hopefully by giving her 6oz she will go longer between feeds and be more satisfied.

She is still whingy today though so I suspect she is colicky as she is usually so content unless she is hungry

The HV told me to offer water after every feed but it makes Isaac bring some milk back up. His awake time is in the evening so he has a feed about 3-4pm I give him water at about 6-7pm then he has his next feed at 7-8pm. I always take it up to bed just incase he wants a drink in the night but so far he hasnt wanted any.

Warm water is good for bringing up trapped wind aswell.


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