Fever and red cheeks...

Sam's Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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Sam was fine this morning but didn't eat his lunch and now has a runny nose, really red patches on his cheeks and a temp of 39.5. He keeps falling asleep, and he's now just sitting on my knee and not even trying to type on my laptop so he's definitely not right :( Thought it might be slapped cheek but all the pictures I've found look really different. Any ideas? It's a lot redder than it looks in the photos... had to turn the flash off because you couldn't see it properly


Oh Sam looks so grumpy :( I'd ring NHS direct hun....I wouldnt like to speculate but that's quite a temperature.
I was just wondering if I should call but I gave him some calpol about 20 mins ago and thought it might bring it down - last time I called them when his temp was just as high (and he was so much worse then - couldn't even sit up, just lay on our bed all day and wouldn't even turn over on his own) they just told me to give him calpol and make sure he was drinking enough fluids... and that the way they're acting is far more important than temp because just a slight infection can cause it to be very high? If it's not lower in the next half hour I'll phone them and see what they say...

He does look miserable though doesn't he?! We were meant to be visiting friends this afternoon before he got quite so bad and I'm glad we didn't go now - they've got a baby Toby's age and a little girl and I've feel awful if he gave them something just before Christmas.

He's now all over my keyboard!
38.4 degrees now but the backs of his knees and armpits still feel like they're burning. Not used to all this... he's never ill!
I'm going to call them anyway... I'll only sit here stressing about it if I wait :lol:
Ring them chick - that's what they're there for :)
aww bless him!! yer that temp dont sound good nhs direct is good to ring let us know what they say hun try a cool cloth on his forehead x
There's a recorded message when you get through to nhs direct saying 'we are exceptionally busy and only dealing with urgent cases...' so I'm going to leave it an hour and see if his temp comes down a bit more - don't want them to be annoyed because I've just taken his temp once and he looks a bit red - he's just asked for some toast which has to be a good sign? Seems a bit more lively now he's woken up a bit but face is still all red.
I thought that because he does get red cheeks with teeth but it just appeared so suddenly with the temp just after Mark had said he'd been really quiet since lunch and hadn't really eaten. He's just had another 4 though - only the very back 4 molars left to come through and he doesn't seem to be in any pain...although that could explain why he's not wanting to eat much too
Has he been prodding at his ears? Rosie suddenly developed a high temperature a few weeks ago and then went to sleep on me, something unheard of for her. She was getting hotter and hotter too, so took her straight to the doc where she diagnosed an ear infection in both ears.
Hebe's had a crappy afternoon and I am wondering about her back teeth. They are right on the verge of busting through. She's not had a temp with them but her wee stings her bits and they get a bit red. I'm waiting for that to confirm it is her teeth bothering her today.
Has he been prodding at his ears? Rosie suddenly developed a high temperature a few weeks ago and then went to sleep on me, something unheard of for her. She was getting hotter and hotter too, so took her straight to the doc where she diagnosed an ear infection in both ears.

He was grabbing them and wouldn't let go earlier! Usually he does that when he's tired or drinking something but I was trying to take his jumper off and he wouldn't let go of them. He didn't mind me sticking my thermometer in them though...

One cheek seems a bit less red now but the other one is still bright red :eh: Cooking him some pasta because he always eats pasta...
Would his temp be that high with teeth? It did come down quite easily with calpol though so maybe that's all it is... I hope so. He's eating pasta now and feeding it to the animals in his book so he seems slightly more himself. I'll take his temp again after dinner.

Thanks everyone :hug:
It might have just spiked. Just do what you're doing. Keep an eye and Calpol him for now. Any major changes get NHS rung. Even of they werent having high call volumes, they would take hours to get back to you. get in the queue I say :)
Thanks :hug: Last time I called them they phoned back really fast, and that was 6ish on a Saturday night... guess it's probably really busy with the weather, flu etc now though. He's nearly eaten all his pasta (and now has red all over his face from my tomato and red pepper sauce :rofl:)
Temp is still 38 but he seems happier... and he's now got almost an entire hand in his mouth, so maybe it is teeth? I thought the last 4 came through quite a bit later though?! Hopefully it was just me panicking about nothing as usual :lol: Cheeks are still red and he asked me for a cuddle :shock: but he's now prdering me around again which has to be a good sign ('juice..mummy get it!') :lol:

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