Fetal heartbeat - please help!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Been to the hospital today to see obsteatrician about my allergies.....again!!
He tried to find the babies heartbeat but couldn't - he could only find mine. He said it was really early to get the heartbeat at 13 weeks and that's why he couldn't find it..... Now I'm panicking!!! :? Bought a fetal monitor from E-bay, it should be here by Friday. Has anyone else not heard the heartbeat at 13 wks????? Saw the heartbeat on the scan last week. I wish he hadn't tried to find it :roll:
Thanks for your replies!!!! xxxxxxx
hi solo couldnt get a heartbeat on the doppler until 14 weeks and everything is fine with bubs. He really shouldnt of tried so early and paniced you, most midwifes wouldnt attempt it until 15 weeks.

Try not to worry
hey solo. try not to worry! i'm sure everything with yout LO is fine! whenever i go for a checkup they ALWAYS struggle to find the babys heartbeat and i'm 24weeks! at 22weeks they couldnt find the heartbeat at all, but they scanned me and it was pumping away and very healthy!
They didn't bother to try to find it in my 12 week scan and then the midwife told me there was no point in trying to find it at 18 weeks when I so rudely insisted on seeing her. So try to tell yourself that it's completely normal. They are tiny in there and the hearts are so small and the sound gets drowned out by all of your big loud noises!
Thanks for your quick replies :hug: :hug:
I'm trying not to worry too much. Everything was fine last week and the dr didn't seem too bothered when he couldn't find it!!!!! I'm sure everything is OK. Think I'm turning into a paranoid mummy already!!!!!
Two midiwves have told me 16-18 weeks is the normal time for them to start trying to listen.

I am 28 weeks, and the doc had to search for a while yesterday.

My midwife said often when people think they have heard the heartbeat at 10-12 weeks on a home doppler, it is often their own heartbeat.

So just relax, and I am sure all is well :)
i could always hear all of mine from around 14 weeks
Hi solo, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

I have a fetal heart monitor and I've not been able to find my beans heartbeat yet. I checked this morning before I went for my scan and nothing....all I could hear was my own! I was a bit worried when I was waiting for my scan because I hadn't been able to find the heartbeat but as soon as she put it up on the screen it was there.....beating away strong and healthy.

I know some people can't find it until much later, in fact my MW said she wouldn't even bother trying to find it until at least 16 weeks so I wouldn't worry too much

My consultant wouldn't even try at 13 weeks so don't worry, it's normal to hear it around 16 weeks onwards xxx
Thanks Chrissy!! :hug:
Feel loads better now!!!!
Glad your scan went OK today!! Can't wait to see piccies!! :hug: :hug:
dont worry about it, you'll find it when your doppler arrives. i think i was 12 weeks when i found mine with the angel sounds doppler.

dont worry about it I went to docs on fridaya nd I was 13 weeks 4 days. Doc said wasn't going to try to listen as can be difficult to find at this early stage and no point in worrying me by attempting to hear just in case she found nothing.

you will be fine hun! as you said you had your scan last week so im sure you will be okxx

Ditto what the others have all said, it's perfectly normal not to be able to hear the heartbeat at 13 weeks. I think I was more like 14 weeks before I could actually hear the heartbeat. Maybe later I can't remember.

Some women do find it earlier but most of us can't hear it until 14/15/16 weeks at the earliest.


I didn't hear the HB until gone 16weeks when the MW offered to check, she never asked before then and have heard it's not uncommon to not hear it until this stage
Thanks girls for all of your replies!! :hug: Feel so much better now. DH has told me not to worry as LO's heart was going ten to the dozen last week.
Thanks again girls xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ditto what everyone else has said really! My midwife didnt even try till 16 weeks and she warned me before hand that she might not be able to find it,

My friends midwife couldnt find hers at all at her 16 week check and she was sent for a scan but all was well

I didnt find mine on my doppler till 16 weeks either so dont panic if you cant find it on yours

Your DH is right, don't worry. The doctor really struggled to find my baby's heartbeat at 16 weeks, so if you feel fine and the baby's heart was beating away last week you shouldn't have anything to worry about :D
I wont repeat whats already been said, but sometimes when i try with the doppler its knowing where to put it to find the bubba, also your bubba can run off theres alot going on in there so try not to worry.

Hello babe, I didn't buy a doppler until 16 weeks because I'd heard that a lot of women couldn't find the heartbeat for a while.

If the doctor isn't worried, neither should you be hun :hug:

Bubs was probably playing games with the doc, they have nothing better to do in there! :hug: xx
hi, we didnt hear a heartbeat with our angelsounds doppler until we were 16 weeks & even then it was faint & you had to be right on top of it. i wouldnt worry if i was you im sure everything is fine ( &thats coming from a big worrier :D ). x

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