Didnt hear heartbeat at 16 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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Well I was at my antenatal appointment today and when the dr tried to hear the heartbeat with the doppler we couldnt hear a thing, he tried for about 10mins and still nothing, he said I have to go back in a week and if we still cant hear it then he will send me to the hospital for a scan but im so worried now! He kept saying not to worry cause the baby could be hiding behind the placenta or something silly like but he also said that has only ever happened to him once where he couldnt find the heartbeat so that didnt make me feel any better. I dont know if I should go up to my maternity unit tomorrow to ask for a scan or just try and wait for the week to drag in. What would yous do?
I would speak to midwife/go to maternity unit and see if either they can find the heartbeat (baby might have moved) or get you a scan to reassure you. I wouldn't be able to wait a week! Hope it gets sorted quickly :)
I have heard other people who have had the same problem and it was ok.
If you are worried go and see if you can get a scan when you can. It is hard not to worry so best go get it sorted to keep your mind at rest.

i hope everything is fine, but i would have gone to my MW and see if she could find it xx good luck xx
Dr's always seem unable to find the HB when I go!! My MW usually gets it everytime but my GP is rubbish!!! I would go up the hospital or phone your mw and ask their advice, I couldnt wait a week. I have an anterior placenta and know it causes a lot of problems when they try listen in! usually can just hear the blood flow through the placenta and not the HB! Try not to worry and get on to your MW!
This always seems to happen with doctors, and then midwives find it straight away! I'd call your midwife if you're worried - it seems very unfair to make you wait a week when it's possible to find it at this stage. I'm sure she'll have no problems finding it though :hug:
i would go to emergency unit to defo get it checked maybe you arent far along enough to hear the heartbeat.
Thankyou everyone for your replys, I dont even have a midwife for some reason at my health centre its the dr that does all the antenatal appointments, I dont even have a number for one but im sure I could get one. Its odd because when I was pregnant with my son it was always the midwife who you seen at the antenatal appointments but I was with a different surgery then. The only time I get to see a midwife is when im up at the hospital so I think I will give them a ring tomorrow and hopefully they can put my mind at ease xx
In my area they wont listen till after your 20wk scan for this reason - baby is so small its easy to miss the HB and then you end up stressed and no one is happy :( Try not to worry hun :hug:
I'm sure everything is fine, but I would just call the hospital in the morning, even running it by a experianced midwife over the phone may help to set your mind at ease a little, I'm sure they know the local GP's too!
At my 16 week app MW said not to get hopes up to hear heartbeat as it can be very difficult to find. They even struggled when I was there 3 weeks ago lol!
They only managed to get about 3 secs of HB at my 16 week check up - i'm sure bubs was just hiding! :hug:
Good luck! x
Same as MM here. MW didnt even try till after 20 wk scan.
In fact, I told her where to find it! As I'd been listening in at home for weeks and he was always in the same place.

Try not to worry sweetie!! They once had trouble finding mine, but I would ring or go to the hospital and get them to check!! They will do it straight away and put your mind at ease!! Let us know how you get on xx
yeah i would think it would be hard 2 hear heartbeat before 20weeks good luck xx
i asked at my 16wk check and they wouldnt even do the hb said it just makes ppl worry more when they cant hear it, im sure everything will be fine just baby is still small.
ours was done at my 16wk but we only heard it for about 5 seconds and that took 5 mins to find so dont worry hun hope all is good tho xxx
Thankyou everyone yous have all really helped me to stay calm about it so im just gonna wait until my appointment with him next week and if he still cant hear it I will go up to the hospital straight away, there is no point in worrying over nothing he even told me most midwifes wont even do it now untill you are 18 weeks xx
I asked my MW to try and find the heartbeat at 16 weeks and she said she would if I promised not to get worried in case she couldn't find it. I am sure everything's absolutely fine hun but it's obviously best to get it checked for your own peace of mind :) x
I didnt hear babies heartbeat till 18weeks and even then it took the midwife ages to find but she was training but i new he was ok coz i could feel him moving and we could hear him kicking. But they dont really like looking for heartbeats till after about 18weeks as babies still really small and its hard to find. im sure everythings ok :) x

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