fertility testing?


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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hey guys, i'm quite new to this concept of TTC just a query on how often should i do a test to see when i'm ovulating because the instructions supplied with kit weren't clear?

please help
depends on your cycle length? and if you know the fertile days??

i usually ov around CD17 but due to Angus cactus thats been brought forward to CD14 bringing it to a more normal 30days cycle instead of 37!
see i'm irregular so i don't know what my cycle length should be, because the only time i have been regular is when i was on the pill :S see my dilema
im irregular as well so I basically start 5 days into my cycle. If you can, try and do one a couple of times a day. The hormone they pick can disappear in a matter of hours. The idea is, you will start to see a faint line which should get darker as you near OV.
A perfect one will get as dark as or darker than the control line. But as many ladies on here will tell u, sometimes they dont get that dark.
Hope that helps!
Yeah, bascially if you don't have regualr cycles you have to take them all the time as soon as your period is over with.

A bit of a pain, but you just won't know without them.

You can get cheaper ones if money is tight, but i'm not sure how relaible they are :)
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hiya guys thanks for the help been really helpful,
Louise is rite... lots of cheapies on ebay, amazon etc (100 for £3 i got off ebay) but they dont work for everyone. Some girls use them and when they start getting a line, they switch to a more expensive one to be more exact.
thanks, in wilkinsons they are like 5 for a quid or like 10-20 from boots/ superdrug, i'll have to have a look thanks
there is also a range of fertility monitors available at chemists or online that may give you a more accurate reading if you think that would be helpful.
just bought bbt thermometer n 20 ovulations tests and 5 pregnancy tests for like £7 for the lot feel happier that i can start propperly planning :D

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