Fertility and Stress


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Hi, this is a response I put in the 21 day thread, but I thought it was something that should have a thread of it's own and not trample on ema-lou's thread which is more about emotion than about medical stuff. Anyway - pasting this in so that those people debating this issue can find it easily.

"Hi, I really think the record should be straight on this stress thing. I was v suprised at HelenJ being told that stress wasnt a factor as it disagreed with everything my own doctor had said, so I rang my brother in law, who is a Senior Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (who I would never normally bother, but felt it was important to know). He has lectured on fertility and said that stress is definitely DEFINITELY a massive factor in not conceiveing. He said not only does it play havoc with your body (sometimes to the extent of not ovulating and missing whole cycles) but that it affects sleep patterns and eating and those again have a knock on effect on fertility levels.

Sorry if I sound assertive - dont mean to ruffle any feathers, but it could make all the difference to somebody.

Clem xx

PS. He told me that some of the latest studies that arent released yet are showing that mackerel has a fast boost to fertility!! Stock up just before you ovulate (if you can get your OH to come near your mackerel breath lol)"
Hmmm mackerel for dinner tonight I think :)

thanks for the info clem x
I thought this was a pretty obvious one...of coursee stress is a factor! Stress affects everythingg with me, i dont sleep properly, irregular periods, headaches all just from stress! Weird as alot of people think of it as just an emotional thing..
:) x
I was told that stress is a big factor in ttc
myself and partner work long hours and have stressy life styles

i think its a huge factor
i saw proffessor winston [one of uks leading fertility specialists]]on this morning a few months ago who said stress has no bearing at all on conception if i can find the link il post it
That's great about the makerel I love it :) thanks for sharing clem.
Smoked Peppered Mackerel is nice..lol!!! think i'll buying some for next month when we start to TTC.... Think stress does play a part, you stress that ur not falling pregnant anyway so its a catch 22 situation sometimes. Its hard tho when u have a busy/stressful job also... i have heard of a few couples who have fallen preg on holiday...when your relaxed... x
It affects everything, absolutely everything
this is good information clem.
i totally agree that it is all down to stress...i know of alot of people who have given up TTC then they fall preggo, but also know this doesnt work for everyone. x
I agree, i think stress is a major factor in affecting conception rates!Stress affects me really badly so i try to avoid it at all costs :D!

Great info Clem x
I totally agree that stress effects your ability to concieve. Stress hormones directly effect the production of the hormones that stimulate your menstrual cycle.
My OH thinks stress is the reason we are not havin' any luck.Been ttc 15 months!He does his sperm test this Tuesday so we will see.Waitin' for blood results to see if I ovulated this month.Has anyone tried hypnosis or acupuncture for stress?I'm seriously considerin' it!
Ooh, I thought about acupuncture, not for stress but to boost fertility, I had a friend who did it and got pregnant literally a month later, but she was trying a million things to help so it doesnt mean the acupuncture works. But I'm up for giving it a go....

I should also mention that we have been trying to concieve for 20 months now, so goddess only knows what will help! I dont think i was stressed all that time, at least I hope not!!

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