felt so bad this mornin...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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last nite after we'd gone 2 bed millie started crying, and wouldnt shut up! it didnt really sound like a proper cry and i didnt think she was distressed, but she kept it up for aaaaages. i'd already fed her some milk before my bedtime and due to her age (nearly 8 months) and still no teeth cut yet i had to assume it was teething pain so i gave her 5ml calpol and tiny bit more BF then put her down and she still cried but stopped after awhile. well in the morning she still seemed rather cranky, i thought ill go get the calpol after her nappy. but as i changed it a big poo rolled out! i do mean rolled as well it was quite big like a tangerine and very firm it literally rolled out of the nappy! her bottom was clean when i wiped it, this poo was like a lil rock! poor little sausage, she'd been stuck with that all nite :( my boyf said she mightve only just done it this mornin but iv got a feeling thats why she was crying last nite. i just didnt even think to check her nappy its been so long since she dirtied one overnite! and i'd stuffed her face with drugs and put her down without getting rid of the nasty poo for her :( how bad am i!
i kno for next time anyway :( ladies with "older" babies yes they can still poo at nite!
Aw dont feel bad hun, the Calpol wont have done any harm and she wont remember a thing :wink: :hug:
aww hun dont feel bad....

i have done the exact same thing last week..he had pooed but as there was no "smell" i didnt think to check so he had been in it for a good 4 hours until he woke t 6 where i changed him because he had a soggy bum. i felt so bad having let him sleep in a nappy like that...but i guess sometimes u just dont know and like me if i change his nappy at night it wakes him up so i dont unless obviosly wet or dirty....so dont feel bad i think its something we all have/will do at times :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Don't feel bad hun :hug: We've all done daft things that make us feel bad. I once got really cross with Isaac when I was trying to put him in his buggy. I thought he was crying and complaining because he didn't want to get in but he actually had one of his legs bent up behind him :shock:

I cried I felt so bad :oops:

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