Feeling worse now than in tri 1


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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Hi Girls,

How are you all feeling?

To be honest I am feeling worse now than I did in the beginning. I am feeling sick quite a lot of the time again, getting stuck in the bath, getting spots again, have fat fingers, ankles and feet, arguing with everyone and getting stressed over the little things.

My memory is of no use to me and I waddle like a duck.....I feel so useless.

Sorry for the moan but I would love to know I am not on my own. xxx
You are not alone hun! I am not sick but apart from that just the same as you, especially the hormones!!!!! I feel like such a miserable old cow at the moment. It makes me cross that theres so much i can't do, bend down, do my toenails, etc etc and then i get cross with myself when i think of how lucky i am to be pregnant and healthy!!!!!

I think we're all feeling the burn now! I have a cold so am feeling doubly sorry for myself! See Carly's post below and you'll see what we're all suffering with! :rotfl: A right healthy bunch!
that's strange... or maybe it's not? every pregnancy is different. I don't feel like that at all. all my energy is back. hang in there, we're in the last trimester!

here are a few hugs... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm the same due date as you and I feel just as rubbish - can't believe there is still another 8 weeks to go!! I'm sick again (I only got 6 weeks off from that) and have got period pain aches and stretching below the bump as everything grows. Also got SPD so I waddle like a duck and I feel like my lower bits are completely inflammed.

Does anyone's bump feel tender sometimes too? I wonder if its because its moving into weird places - last week it was breech, no idea where it is this week!

Am going to see an osteopath this Friday. I thought they just did backs but apparently they can help with all sorts of pregnancy issues so I'll let you know if it helps at all

I'm just back from the doctor and everything is looking good.

He explained that some women just feel this way towards the end.

I'm sorry to hear theat you only got 6 weeks time off from the sickness. I feel sill complaining now as you seem to have had it worse than me.

I hope the next 8 weeks fly by for us both and that you feel better soon. xxx

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