feeling weird


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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Feel like a mona hope you ladies dont mind..

Although i well want to have my little one and get him out and stuff cos i want to see him and start being a proper mummy, and stuff
im going to miss being pregnant, like not all the things that come with it, butl like the little things like
feeling him move and him kicking my hand, and him getting hiccups :( makes me sad to think that im not going to have that when he comes out, and ill probably forget what it feels like so quickly. :(
i just think its weird how after nine months im not going to feel him moving anymore.
but at least ill be able to see my feet.

ive been trying to make the most of the last days, but its also hard cos i want him so badly. to come out and everyone else seems to have their baby and i dont :(

hell be here soon. :D but im gunna miss it
Aww babes, you might forget what its like, but when hes born youl freeze frame those first few precious moments then you lstart being a mummy.

Just enjoy being preggy a bit longer, m advice to sleep as muchas you can.
On the upside, you'll be too busy to care when the LO arrives and for me this time is sooo much harder, because I had forgotten how hard it is to be pregnant... and it's hard..and I definitely won't miss it.. :shock:
i thought this too, but honestly after i had given birth i didnt miss it, mainly because having your baby with you face to face more than makes up for it.
When you have them with you can feel their beautiful soft skin and look lovingly into their tiny little baby eyes and smell that wonderful newborn baby smell, and the best thing is that they are all yours :D .
I can honestly say....I will not miss a single thing about being pregnant!!!! :shock:

I cant even remember being preg now
I cant believe i ever was
YOU wont miss it
also how do u think i felt when I was preg so was Viv Windsor in Emmerdale she was a MONTH behind me and she also had her twins a MONTH before me
making no sense twins 2 months early that looked bigger than Riley haha
My cousin had a cesarian and she kept stroking her bump afterwards because it still felt like the baby was kicking!!! Must have just been wind!
Foxxi said:
I can honestly say....I will not miss a single thing about being pregnant!!!! :shock:


Nor me! I feel like I've been pregnant forever...and I'm not at your stage Robyn!!!
u will miss it, so enjoy ur last moments! but dont worry u wont forget what it feels like quickly. i still remember very clearly. the day after i had millie i freaked myself out when i stroked my tummy out of habit!

You'll be too busy to miss it! More likely, you'll be missing your sleep and having 5 minutes' peace to yourself :D and as for stroking those little feet and stuff, well, soon you'll be able to do it for "real". If you really miss the close contact, have a bath with your newborn - that's lovely.

I said a wee while ago that I was in no hurry to have a newborn again, well, I take it all back! I'm fed up being pregnant now and I just want to meet my little one too. I can't wait to see your little boy! I keep checking every day to see if you've gone into labour yet :D

Squiglet - I must have been dreaming, I thought you were having a little boy, but your ticker says you're expecting a girl - where did I get that silly idea from?
you wont forget the feelings and sometimes you'll get a little wind and think hey ho that felt like a first flutter, kick etc but you know what i used to like doing... just sitting/laying there watching them and when they twitched or moved, i'd think to myself, that must have been what they did inside me when i felt .?.?. having them there to hold will more than make up for not feeling them in your tummy anymore....untill the next one comes along :wink:
thanks guys
i feel alot better today - better than i did yesturday
i know that its coming and quickly. if nothing happens then only 2 more sleeps and he weill be here :) :)
i cant wait :cheer: :cheer:

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