Feeling the cold!


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Is anyone feeling the cold? Every night I sit on the couch and have got to wrap myself up in my slanket to keep warm :eh: My OH insists he's not cold in the slightest. Anyone else struggling to keep warm?

Saying that I have a sinking cold at the moment so that probably doesn't help......
Yeah, I'm getting cold really easily. Last night made DH light a fire!!! He had to sit there in shorts and a t-shirt while I was wrapped up :)
Thank god it's not just me! I end up shivering on the couch wrapped in a fleece blanket most evenings and DH can't understand why.
I got told off by OH yesterday cos I brought our duvet and pillows downstairs while he was a work...makes napping on the sofa soo much nicer though!
i thought it was just e i just sit shivering under a fleece blanket xx
Me too but now at 10 weeks am hot all the time
I'm still feeling the cold!! Really not enjoying the warm weather as i just want to curl up on the sofa with a duvet!
yup i'm the same! :) it's subsided in the past few days, but I was shivering constantly for a few weeks!! xx Moreso at night, OH will be kicking the covers off and I'm trying to snuggle for as much warmth as posssible, and he's all "nooo im roasting...blah blah blah" lol xxx
yes im still cold we have two 15tog quilts on are bed and 9/10 i have the heating on too lol
Yes I feel the cold really bad :( I hate it I'm always freezing its got that bad i have to wear a jumper for bed and then wrap myself up in the duvet cover really tight and tuck it in so i can hardly move
I thought it was just me and I was starting to lose the plot!!
Im constantly freezing and am always wrapped up in 2 layers of clothes and a quilt and STILL shivering :wall2:

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