Feeling sorry for myself : (


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Im feeling really fed up at the mo and i know you lot will be able to cheer me up. :D

Firstly its my last week of work and im training my replacement so im really really busy dont get a minutes piece and spend most of the day standing up as im having to show them what to do.

I have started to get a lot of pains in my lower pelvis which is obviously baby bobbing around in my pelvis but it makes walking uncomfortable and painful.

I feel really guilty as i cant keep up with the posts on here, just dont have enough time.

And lastly im getting very very :evil: fed up of people (especially at work) saying im small and am i sure its April when the baby is due, no one ever notices im pregnant they all probaly think ive eaten a few too many cakes. :roll: I know im small and im constantly worrying that my baby is not growing properly, i dont need everyone else pointing it out to me :twisted: the midwife doesnt seem to share my concern even though i havent grown in 3 weeks according to her fundal measurements 28cm at 31 weeks.

Sorry I now feel better already just by writing something down :shakehead:
just think soon you'll have all day to nest and chat on here :dance:

don't worry about the fundal height, it's not accurate, I'm measuring 34 instead of nearly 37 and baby is still on target to be 8 pounds :hug:
Sorry you are feeling fed up :hug:

People can be insensitive at times and not realise the irratation they cause by what they say (my husband is one of them :roll: )

Hopefully you will feel better after this week when work has finished and you can relax at home and spend more time catching up on posts and chatting to us lot :D
I know what you mean bloom, everyone says the same to me, are you sure the baby is okay in their?? and it only puts more worry, a couple of weeks ago i went for a growth scan because people kept asking me, and everything was fine. Just ignore them all? Have you posted a pic of your bump in tummy pics i'm curious to see if we are similar sizes??
tons of hugs hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: cant have you feeling fed up :shakehead:

Only a few more days babe and NO MORE WORK!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: you'll be able to put your feet up and not worry about anyone commenting on your size! :cheer: :cheer: Im sure your bubs is growing perfectly in there hun!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Please don't worry about your size hun. I know a girl who is two weeks behind me and she has only just developed a 'little' bump. She was quite worried, but the hospital reassured her and said that everything was absolutely fine.
The plus side was that after her previous little boy was born, her stomach snapped back into place...whereas I think I will have to do around 200 sit ups a day! :shock:

Try not to worry about anything hun :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: theres a little group of us here with tiny bumps all panicking!

a girl yesterday looked at me and said OH MY GOD you only look 3 months gone :evil: i feel i have to apologise all the time for not looking what i actually am!!

but, if our babies are healthy we're really the lucky ones, i cant imagine how uncomfortable a big bump must be

and remember some people give birth without even realising they were pregnant, it happens, so even a little bump is more than what some women have! :hug:
Thanks ladies i knew you would make me feel better. Ive posted a bump pic now so you can all see.
i cant see it cos i cant view photobucket :x is it as huuuge as my 31 week pic?
I bet you Bloom and gymbabeliz do snap back into place (just seen your pics) you are both so lucky and about the same size as my mate :D

gymbabeliz...I will probably pester you for a few exercises once Daniel arrives :wink:
gymbabeliz said:
i cant see it cos i cant view photobucket :x is it as huuuge as my 31 week pic?

Its probaly slightly bigger than your 31 week pic more like your more recent pics but its still small although i think we both look very neat and compact its cute maybe its because we are both having girls.
:hug: :hug: Don't worry about bump size, people always say mine is small. It's just down to how your body carries the baby
Awwwwww big hugs to you :hug:

I think your bump looks ace and it must be far easier to cart around / turn over in bed than us Fundal Height Biffs. I am beginning the think that fundal height is just a load of utter b*llocks anyway.

Your replacement sounds like she is a little on the incompetent side from your texts so it's no wonder you feel harrassed - just what you don't need in your LAST FEW DAYS :cheer: at work!

Just think, this time next week you'll be stuck ont he forum all day like the rest of us!!!!

Your bump is ace hun; she's going to be just perfect :hug:
Bloom said:
Im feeling really fed up at the mo and i know you lot will be able to cheer me up. :D

Firstly its my last week of work and im training my replacement so im really really busy dont get a minutes piece and spend most of the day standing up as im having to show them what to do.

I have started to get a lot of pains in my lower pelvis which is obviously baby bobbing around in my pelvis but it makes walking uncomfortable and painful.

I feel really guilty as i cant keep up with the posts on here, just dont have enough time.

And lastly im getting very very :evil: fed up of people (especially at work) saying im small and am i sure its April when the baby is due, no one ever notices im pregnant they all probaly think ive eaten a few too many cakes. :roll: I know im small and im constantly worrying that my baby is not growing properly, i dont need everyone else pointing it out to me :twisted: the midwife doesnt seem to share my concern even though i havent grown in 3 weeks according to her fundal measurements 28cm at 31 weeks.

Sorry I now feel better already just by writing something down :shakehead:

:hug: people always have to comment when u are pregnant. i get hands all over mine so say i am big others say i am small u just cant win. ur bump size is also down to how baby is lying so someone with a bigger bump may have a baby who is more stretched out in there. ur baby may be curled up tightly. explain to ur m/w how u feel and make a fuss a work if ppl dont, i would :D

marie x
You'll be surprised when it does "explode". :D

Debbie was always asking me about the size of her bump at around 30 weeks. If she was wearing her maternity jeans and top which are quite snug, the bump wasn't so noticeable.

A few weeks later and it's huge! It's amazing the difference a few weeks makes.

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