Feeling so down


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2010
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I'm feeling so down and miserable this week to the point I feel guilty this should be one of the most exciting happy times of my life and I just feel awful.
I'm so sensitive I feel like I hate my OH and have been thinking maybe I should leave him...how awful is that
He just doesn't understand why I'm so tired all of the time and why I feel sick he can be so inconsiderate at times when I explain to him why he acts like he understands and 12 hrs later hea back to his usual self
I absolutely love him to death and we both wanted this but now I'm worried what he'll be like when the baby is here
Sometimes he says some really thoughtless things...I feel so withdrawn this week I just want to cry and I feel so selfish feeling like this I should be happy and thinking about my baby, my body feels drained and exhausted.

Sorry for the moan but I needed to get it off my chest I've got nobody to talk about this too...has anybody else been feeling really rubbish?

Oh hun :hugs:

I think just the hormones making you feel all sorts right now but think majority of men are all similar & not really sure how to be, I don't think they fully understand everything so just carry on being their usual self

Your not moaning at all either, we are all here to offer support & :hugs: to help pick you up

Oh hun, sending :hugs: to you.

I am sure it is just hormones causing you to feel like this. It is a happy but nervous and exciting time plus all these things are happening that we don'f fully understand.

Your OH is not experiencing any symptoms and nothing has really changed for him at the moment and as Kezza said, most men don't know how to act. Mine just moaned that me being pg meant that he could not have a new car or a holiday this year!!!

Remember we are all here for you. x
i think you girls are right about this hormone thing i think i need to do something for me to enjoy to perk me up a bit i think everything is just getting on top of me now...trying to organise my bills and things before bubs arrives looking for a new house and car just gets so stressfull! i totally forgot to do my tax return too so im gonna be hit with yet another fine...baby brain

thanks for the support guys xxx
Hi hun, I just want to say Im in same situation.. I am feeling down, I am sick and my OH complains alot about me, we have alot to do as we have a business to run but being sick and constantly being moaned at isnt helping exactly... Men just dont understand what we go through when we are pregnant.. I love him to deaths but sometimes I think of leaving him too but I dont want to really... Going crazy being like this... But Im sure the feelings will pass and as the others here say its alot due to all the hormones right now.... sending u a big hug...! x
I bought mine a book that was recommended here on one of the threads, he seems to like it and read it as well and I think it's fine, its male point of viewbut nicele written and quite sympathetic
Well I'm still stuck in a horrible place we had qn absolutely blazing row last Thursday... To cut a long story short we had a big fall out with my family last summer and he said things he shouldn't have and my mum reacts to things in the wrong way at times and both of them don't think what they say. So all of a sudden last Thursday he comes out with I don't want your mum to see my child and if you do were over and I don't want anything to do with the baby either and I need to make a decision right now. I kept cool explaining I cant make a decision like that straight away and that is unfair to ask me too
He just became so unbearable and obnoxious I broke down that was it I decided it's best if I left him
That night I was woken up by him talkin to my belly as if nothing had happened I just pretended to be asleep the next day he was bein really nice and went to his friends for a drink then phoning me telling me how sorry he is and my mum can see the baby and he promises not too stress mr out anymore
I just don't no what to do I can't cope with this and he acts like everything is normal looking at baby stuff and making lists
I feel like I'm broken down and stuck at a dead end
I've got no where to go and nobody to talk to
If I leave him where would I go it will take me about a month to sort out a place of my own and I have no deposit
I feel like I'm tip toeing around waiting for him to erupt again he picks arguments over the most stupid things and just seems selfish
Ive been working loads and the flat has been a mess dishes not done washing piled high it was disgusting and muggings here has ended up cleaning it up while he's been sat on his arse or off galavanting wiu his friend. I just feel completely taken for granted

Thanks for listening xx

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