feeling sick today


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
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hi all i've been feeling quite sick today. don't know if its baby related or a bit of undercooked meat i may have eaten yesterday :think: my heartburn has increased overnight and its so painful. my belly doesn't hurt but just kind of feels different and i just generally feel like i want to be sick but then it feels like i'm hungry too its hard to explain the feeling but i just feel sick i don't feel like i actually want to be sick. had a few runny poos today (sorry tmi) but doesn't seemed to have helped and i've been getting the odd pain in my lower back but can't figure out if its trapped wind or not as when i trump it seems to ease off.

i have the midwife in the morning so i'll mention it to her if i feel no better and she will probably mention wanting to do a sweep later in the week if nothing starts happening soon. i'm approaching the scary town of giving birth .. wow has it really been 9 months already :eek: think i'll make a nice warm bowl of porridge now and get in bed and watch a dvd and hope i feel a bit better in the morning :)
Oooo doesnt sound very nice I know what you mean about the feeling sick and hungry feeling.

:hug: Hope you feel better soon and get a good nights rest xx
Could it be labour approaching?! Oooh I hope so!! :pray: I know that sometimes women can either feel/be sick and get diarrhoea because the body is getting rid of everything to make way for baby to escape... Maybe it's that?

Other than that, it could be the dodgy meat! Not sure why you'd get aches in your back with it though? :think: xxx
I expect you'd react quicker to uncooked meat on Saturday, hopefully it's a sign of good, but scary things to come!!

ETA: Whoops, I've already replied to your other thread... it's too early for me!!

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