Feeling sick about tomorrow!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Well Ladies now its my turn. I am totally petrified about tomorrow and am feeling very very sick. You know that type of sick where you are really nervous and have got butterflies like before you go on a rollercoaster. I am not religous but even said a prayer earlier. So worried something has gone wrong and I can't bare the thought of my OH's face again if something bad has happened. I love him so much and really want to give him the baby he so desperately wants.

GGGGGGGOOOOODDDDD these babies are so much stress!!:pray:
Right hun, now it is my turn. Let's be rational

You have seen your baby a few times now right?
You have heard the heartbeat?
You still have symptoms?

These are all good signs that everything will be perfect. It's easy for me to say don't worry but I know exactly how you feel.

Try not work youself up into a state like I did sweetie, I am convinced I have done some damage to my body with the way my heart has been beating all day!

Everything will be just fine tomorrow. The odds really are significantly in your favour!
I look forward to your pictures. xx
Exactly what torino said. I know u will be fine xxxxxx
Good luck - I'm sure everything is going to be absolutely fine. You've seen heartbeat already haven't you?? Remember how low odds of anything going wrong is after you've heard that magic beat. Odds are over whelming stacked in your favour. And remember our piccies!!!!! We want to see!!! Big hugs. xxx
Thanks ladies. Yeh I have seen babes hb twice on a scan and have heard the hb but still can't be positive about things. I am just such a negative person. lol. Just as well it is a early scan cos otherwise I would give myself a stroke.
Leanne honestly everything will be absolutely fine, your LO has proven to be a little fighter, and will continue to fight until it is here next year!! I am certain everything will go well for you tomorrow honey!! I can't wait to see your pics :) xx
I have good feeling hun for you tomorow - can't wait to see your pics and hear what a lovely scan you had - enjoy it, don't forget your picture pennies
Oh love you and baby will be absolutely fine, it's natural to worry I know but you have no need to. Will be on as soon as I can later to see the pics of your beautiful baby xxxxxxxxxx
thinking of you today leanne, can't wait to see pics xxxxx
Thanks everyone, the support here is amazing and I don't know how I would cope without you all. Its amazing how a group of women I have never met have become such a massive part of my life. You will all always have a place in my heart. Keep everything crossed for me today and if you are religous say a prayer everything helps. Me and the OH are going for a sainsburys breakfast in a bit to keep our minds off things and we have been up most oof the night so time is going very slow. lol. xxxxxxxx
FX for you today...I'm sure everything will be fine - you're so lucky to have already heard your baby's HB already, so as the other girls girls say, there should be no issues.
And i like the sound of a sainsbury's breakfast. If it's any consolation I'm also feeling sick with worry about my scan that nots til next wed, and now thinking about how you must be feeling xx I'll feel sick in sympathy with you! xx

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