Feeling Sad...........


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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I promised myself I wouldnt get upset, but hubby has just gone back to France to secure our house over there, he has about 20 pairs of shutters to make (I wanted to stay in the UK as havent had any blood tests, or a proper chat with the midewife as yet), but he will be away for about 3 weeks :(

We went out for a fantastic meal last night at our favourite restaurant to celebrate our 2nd year wedding anniversary which is on Tuesday, and I have so much to do here, so certainly wont be bored, but I really miss him already and he has only just left.........and I cant stop myself from bursting into tears!!

I lived on my own for years before I met him, and have always been very independant, but feeling ever so sad at the minute!

Sorry girls moan over.........
ah hunny,its your hormones making you feel like this, he will be back before you know it

Awwww hun, three weeks must seem like an age but he'll be back soon, pesky hormones. xx :hug: :hug:

aww hun, have some :hug:
:hug: :hug:

i didnt see OH for only one week, and i was really upset, so 3weeks.. i cant only imagine how your feeling :'(

you got all us here to keep you company to.. and just think when he comes bk... you'll be 3weeks closer to meeting you Lo xx
Awww poor you, 3 weeks will fly by hun.
I too hate it if my husband goes away and leaves me even just for a few days.
Aww hun I would be the same at the min! :hug: :hug: :hug: Hopefully 3 weeks will fly by!
Have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: We are all here for you :hug:
Awww hun I know how you feel.

My OH went away for two months yesterday....and I feel like crap :(

Just keep yourself busy, and he will be back before you know it :D
it will soon go hun

i know how u r feelinig at the mo my husband is turkish and he had 2 go back 2 turkey 2 sort stuff out over there.
he was gone 8weeks from when i was 23weeks preggas till 31weeks
i was so sad when he first left, but i got over it lol and was fine just me and my LO

take care of yourself xxx
Thanks so much ladies............today is a new day and feeling much better.

Just need to keep myself busy!
Glad you're feeling better today hun and welcome back to the UK and the west country me loverly :D Am just down the road in Somerset :wave: i hope the next three weeks flies by for you :) xxxx

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