feeling really teary tonight


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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just had another argument tonight decided i was going to cook tea for once and i did salmon with a load of veg and a nice little cream sauce (a little bit naughty :D ) then gave hubby his tea and all he has done is criticize my cooking and naturally i burst out into tears just seems i cant do anything right at the minute
Urgh when my OH was off with his back I had to cook.....which I can't and freely admit to it but he still criticised me on everything I did. He really thinks he's Gordon frickin Ramsay!!!! :hug:

But darling that's why God invented laxatives you can't taste :D xxxxxxxx
thanks baby brain never thought of that!!! just upset me because i went to all the effort and all he has done since he got home is argue with me, not even speaking to him at the minute because i am that sodding angry with him!
What I have to keep remembering is if I wasn't pregnant I could just ignore his moods like usual. At least we know our babies will grow up even if their dads don't lol xxxxxxx
that is very true chick, the thing is he hates it whenever i say anything about the way he does anything (i.e we were wrapping xmas presents and was struggling with the paper and i took it off him and did it propperly and he went into a huff! just wish he would grow up sometimes!
Tut...MEN! Tell him to stick it up his arse and sod orf while he's doing it. Your meal sounds beautiful to me, i certainly would have wolfed it down xx
it was beautiful havent had salmon for ages and i;m sick of always eating the same foods all the time, and had a takeaway last night so cant have it two nights in a row! :S

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