Feeling really miserable, need some TLC :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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Sorry to have a moan, but I just need to get this all out! Have had a really cr*p weekend (weekends are Fri & Sat here) as DH has been on a course both days and I've been left with my 2 year old, with nothing to do in 35 degree heat! Absolutely exhausted and hormonal!

What's got me today tho is I'm just so fed up with everybody relishing in how big I am! I'm due 2 months today, and do look big, but it's all out front, not sideways, in fact have only put on 6kg so far (mainly b/c I had crept up to size 14 beforehand, which is heavier than my normal weight).

At school drop-off today, I was telling a friend that I was tired in the heat, and she said, 'Well, you may come early, you're sooooo big!' as if that was meant to make me feel better. She then turned to our friend next to me who had a baby last July and said 'And you've lost sooooo much weight, it's just dropping off you!' I really feel like cr*p now and just want to burst into tears.

There are a lot of pg women around and I do seem bigger than everyone else, and I feel like they're sneering at me. There's not a lot I can do about it. I had a really bad time last year with 2 mcs at 10wks, which made me really bloated and I did put on weight under the stress of it all. I just feel like I'm not being able to enjoy this pregnancy.
Sorry, have just made myself a blubbering wreck. Sorry for the rant...
feel free to rant about things like that, the heat must be unendurable and comments like taht whihc show a marked lack of tact do not make a girl feel good about herself.

I got told last week that i was going ot outgrow my winter coat soon. it is a size 14 and i am a 10. I did show quite a lot of restraint as the person saying it to me has a double G chest and was wearing horizontal stripes!

you rant away hunny bun
stupid people can be insensitive you'd think a fellow mum would be a lot more aware of the impact of her words

i am sure you do not look to big i bet your bumps look bloody maravlous 8)
like you all my weights on the bump and being short of stature i started showning and growing a bump very early on

be proud of your growing bump and celebrate that you child is growing happy and healthy ignore the idiots compleatly
and concentrate on the wonderful joys of pregnancy

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awwww-I bet you look fab hun-just ignore them.

Whatever size you are people feel like they have the right to comment on it!!!
For the first 6 months I got sick of people telling me I hardly looked pregnant and I was too small for my dates-I felt like I should be bigger and constantly felt concsious!!

My Lo has grown loads now and people tell me I look big (and I don't)-I don't think they mean it to come accorss rude and just feel the need to say something about it!!

Hope you are feeling better today- :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Awwww-I bet you look fab hun-just ignore them.

Whatever size you are people feel like they have the right to comment on it!!!
For the first 6 months I got sick of people telling me I hardly looked pregnant and I was too small for my dates-I felt like I should be bigger and constantly felt concsious!!

My Lo has grown loads now and people tell me I look big (and I don't)-I don't think they mean it to come accorss rude and just feel the need to say something about it!!

Hope you are feeling better soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Some people don't realise how insensitive they are. Try not to worry about how small/big your bump is what matters is that you have a very healthy baby inside which you are nurturing and bringing into the world.

I'm sure this person is probably not worth the time or day bothering over and needs to be ignored IMO.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for all your kind replies - feeling a bit better now - think I just let things get on top of me, you know how the slightest thing can set you off!

I will try to choose to ignore such comments in future and feel proud of my bump!

I'm sure you look fab hun, I have had someone from my work come to do some work in my house and he said 'hello fatty, I won't tell everyone at work what you look like' and then my brother in law changed the letters round in my name gemma to mega....I used to be a little size 8 and now im 12/14 so people really notice it on me and it gets to me too.
We will have out babies soon though and it will all be worth it

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