Feeling Really Low


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't stop crying. After getting all emotional yesterday about the aches and pains I'm having at the moment, I felt better after we went to bed and sat and went through some stuff on the internet and even had some fun looking at name generators.

Then, this morning, I woke up feeling fine and decided to google the heavy feeling in the bottom of my stomach that I feel toward the latter part of the day. And what did it bring up... signs of miscarriage.

So now I am in a state. I've heard Flump's HB, twice already today in fact and feel okay other than the usual stretching pains, but I just can't shake off this depressive feeling.

I feel like I'm doing Matt's head in and just can't stop myself from crying and worrying. It's only been 4 days since we saw Flump on our scan for goodness sake.

Someone shake me out of this - please! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

i'm pretty sure it will be stretching pains. Its so worrying though. The internet is good at finding the most scarey things!!

i think every1 on here has worried at some point about a pain in their tummy. I'm having the odd days of tears too :hug: :hug:

Have some choc!!!
hi debbie, :hug: :hug:

Don't worry this is all completely normal! I manage to convince myself most days that something is seriously wrong and am unnaturally obsessed with my doppler! and I never argue with my OH but since I have been pregnant I have been awful, getting really cross for no reason then crying hysterically. So don't worry its not just you- all pregnant women are mad!
The stretching pains I can cope with. It was the heaviness feeling even though a couple of ladies told me last night on here that they feel the same and are around the same gestation.

I've been to the doctors to put my mind at rest. She gave my belly a good feel, told us it would be too early to hear the HB - so I corrected her and told her we had been since around 13 weeks. She got a doppler and although she did briefly hear Flump, she couldn't find him again. I wanted to take the doppler off of her and show her how it's done. Bless her. She was a very nice lady - a new doctor at our surgery.

She also tested my wee. That was fine. BP was fine too.

She wasn't sure about the heaviness feeling. Maybe I described it incorrectly. I thought about it on the way home and I wonder if it is just where my ever increasing uterus is laying on my bladder. It only ever seems to happen in the evening. Hmmm.

Oh, and I had a sneak peak at the screen. Although I got my letter after the triple test saying I was not at high risk of downs, I actually saw my result. It is 1:5000 so I'm pleased about that.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Don't worry, it's probably the hormones making you feel so rubbish. Have you told your midwife how you're feeling? It's not uncommon to feel down in pregnancy and she may be able to help
Midwife? What's that? If I could get hold of her that would be nice but it's impossible. You get a number to ring and if you're lucky they will call you back within 48 hours or so.

I'm not depressed or anything. Just worrying myself sick. I am one of the worlds worst worriers. I take after my Mum for that unfortunately.
Best leave google alone I think, there are so many horror stories out there and the chances of any of them happening to you are so slim.

I know what you mean about midwives, I've only seen mine once so far and my next appointment isn't until 16 weeks
Can you not phone your surgery and get an appt to see the midwife when you want?
When you see her explain how much you worry, she will see you as often as you want her too....weekly even for a while if that will calm you down.
I'm sure the heavy feeling is normal...obviously I don't know you but it sounds just like what I have when I'm tired.

Have some :hug: :hug: :hug: and remember 'Google is not your friend'

We are. :D
aww hun, its awful tht ur feeling so bad, i went thru a depressed patch from about 17-20 weeks, only just started feeling happier in myself again this last week. other ppl seem to get low at this point too... maybe we all get a surge of hormones or something around tht stage. i hope u feel better soon... if you feel depressed everyday for a lot longer maybe u could talk to ur midwife... and im sure everythings fine! i get a heavy feeling too at times, especially if im bloated. I know its easy to say but try not to worry, baby will worry too! :hug: :hug: :hug:
You're right. Google isn;t my friend anymore. I'm going to try and steer clear for a while. I have read some horror stories on there and they don't do your state of mind any good at all.

As for my MW, no, it's really impossible to see them apart from at your ante-natal appointments. They are community midwives so assigned all over the place and very, very busy unfortunately :(

How many weeks are you Emma?
LOL, ok... I won't tell anyone! Anyway! You're allowed to be here xxx
:hug: :hug: I get the heavy feeling too towards the end of the day, almost like i want to hold baby up in my tummy. It might just be the way you are carrying your baby, its a new feeling to me to but i do know this time that i am carrying alot lower than in previous pregnancy's and its very uncomfi.

Im not saying this is it for you and if you are really worried i would talk to a midwife (if you can find one) or if you hospital have a pregnancy assesment unit give them a call.

I'm over my worry... for now LOL. I think I was hormonal and tired earlier this week and I'm not worrying like I was. It's been my first real bad few days for a while. I'm feeling much more positive and happy.

Didn't have any heaviness yesterday but found the HB high up. Today it's down low and I feel heavy in the bottom of my belly again so I do think it's where Flump is laying :)

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