feeling really down

Hey Hun sending some hugs :hugs: I suffer with anxiety - tried meds they didn't work. Read an amazing book which basically trained me to live alongside it rather than get rid of it. I know those days well when you wake up and you just can't shift that feeling. You feel guilty because you love everything that is in your life! Just know your not alone, going for a walk on my own makes me feel better, if I can get myself to go! Ha xx
Hey hun
In a way it's nice to know others that experience anxiety and depression, although I wouldn't wish it on anyone it's nice to get support from others going through it ,
I've started on a healthy eating plan and I'm not sure if that's also affecting my mood, I do want to lose weight (lost 12 lb in 2 weeks so far) but if it's going to make me more depressed I may have to allow myself treats
I am feeling better today than I did yesterday, going to take one day at a time :)


AWW hun.

I'm so sorry you're feeling down.

Big hugs.

Thanks Em,
Just having a bad day!! I'm waiting to Ovulate so I'm always a bit down at this point in my cycle, trying to stay positive ;)
How are you doing? Is it your scan tomorrow?


Yep, scan is tomorrow.

I'm shitting myself if I'm honest.

Just praying all is ok in there.

I've got my fingers crossed for you hun.

Good luck sweetie :) I pray everything is ok

I'm so sorry to read this Clover :( well you know I'm still on meds right now even with TTC. I hope you feel better soon, you are entitled to feel low anyway I know I am with TTC, let alone the depression/anxiety on top of it! I'm waiting on counselling and hoping it may help. I really hope this is just a short blip for you but if you want to chat please PM me, also please let someone know if it gets too difficult to cope with on your own, they won't make you go on medication if you don't want to xxxxxx
Hey Hun sending some hugs :hugs: I suffer with anxiety - tried meds they didn't work. Read an amazing book which basically trained me to live alongside it rather than get rid of it. I know those days well when you wake up and you just can't shift that feeling. You feel guilty because you love everything that is in your life! Just know your not alone, going for a walk on my own makes me feel better, if I can get myself to go! Ha xx
Hey hun
In a way it's nice to know others that experience anxiety and depression, although I wouldn't wish it on anyone it's nice to get support from others going through it ,
I've started on a healthy eating plan and I'm not sure if that's also affecting my mood, I do want to lose weight (lost 12 lb in 2 weeks so far) but if it's going to make me more depressed I may have to allow myself treats
I am feeling better today than I did yesterday, going to take one day at a time :)


I know what you mean, it's good you can talk to people on here tho and they won't judge you. It's such a hard thing to overcome if a person breaks their leg, they go in a cast and rest and it heals. But the mind it's not seen like that, there's no cast and we certainly don't rest - so it's tough to fix. Make time for yourself to relax and enjoy something, I was told when your not thinking about how you feel your not stressing and that is the rest your mind needs. Apparently it's a tired mind that causes anxiety and depression in the first place. Hope your ok today xx
Oh Gail I am so sorry, I wish I had some advice but I'm creeping into the same boat unfortunately. I would like to send you a massive virtual hug and hope that you start to feel better soon. I think the best thing to do is to concentrate on the good things and appreciate them, even the tiniest of things that makes you happy. Each time I kiss/hug my husband I remind myself of how lucky I am to have him and to be loved, some people don't have that and would give anything for it so I will make sure to be happy because I know he is happy as long as I am!

Woah, emotional. xXx
Hope your feeling better today huni, I'm not on here as much anymore but you have my email if you ever want to chat.
I really hope your bfp is just round the corner, your in my thoughts hun xxx
Oh Gail I am so sorry, I wish I had some advice but I'm creeping into the same boat unfortunately. I would like to send you a massive virtual hug and hope that you start to feel better soon. I think the best thing to do is to concentrate on the good things and appreciate them, even the tiniest of things that makes you happy. Each time I kiss/hug my husband I remind myself of how lucky I am to have him and to be loved, some people don't have that and would give anything for it so I will make sure to be happy because I know he is happy as long as I am!

Woah, emotional. xXx
Hi Lyndsey
Thanks for your support hun, I'm feeling a bit better today, I am so grateful for what I've got and I will try to think positivity
Hope your ok ttc is so stressful isn't it

Hope your feeling better today huni, I'm not on here as much anymore but you have my email if you ever want to chat.
I really hope your bfp is just round the corner, your in my thoughts hun xxx
Hey sweetie thanks for your support as always, you are an amazing friend, and as you know you were there for me when I needed you , I would of fallen apart without your support :)

I'm feeling a bit better thanks it's just a long hard road, hopefully I'm near the end of it
How are you feeling, ive replied to you on the weight loss thread , I think weight can get you down too,
hopefully we can motivate each other :)

Sorry to hear you're feeling like this Clover. It's possible, since you've switched to clean eating, that it is at least in part connected to all the toxins etc coming out of your system. Once you start eating healthily it's not unusual to feel much worse for a while, then start feeling better. Especially if you've stopped eating sugar, sweetener, caffeine. Exercise outdoors, even if just a short walk, can help a little too. I have a friend that's suffered from severe depression for years and has pretty much managed to beat it with exercise and healthy eating.
Sorry to hear you're feeling like this Clover. It's possible, since you've switched to clean eating, that it is at least in part connected to all the toxins etc coming out of your system. Once you start eating healthily it's not unusual to feel much worse for a while, then start feeling better. Especially if you've stopped eating sugar, sweetener, caffeine. Exercise outdoors, even if just a short walk, can help a little too. I have a friend that's suffered from severe depression for years and has pretty much managed to beat it with exercise and healthy eating.
Hey hun
I think it may be due to my change of diet, I did have a treat meal and cake on Saturday night but felt worse afterwards!!
I will carry on and hopefully feel and look better soon
Hope you get your Bfp soon lovely :)

Hi Girls,
I don't want to moan and I feel silly posting this, but I just feel really down and depressed
I have suffered from depression and anxiety in the past and been on medication, at the moment I'm not on meds, and I have felt the depression creeping up on me, for the past few months its been getting worse, every morning I wake up with the same feeling, and I don't know how to snap myself out of it
I'm on a healthy eating plan and I am trying to stay positive about TTC but it just seems its getting harder to stay positive

sorry for the moan, just had to get it out! lol

Clover I have just seen this.

Im so sorry you have been feeling like this hun. Its not good is it. When I felt like this I went to the doctors and he said that every day when you wake up pick one thing that will happen in the day and really look forward to it and enjoy it. Even if its something like sitting down and having a coffee on your own for 5 min or cooking a nice dinner. Its just having that positive attitude towards something that helps.

I did it for a while and it helped me a little. Try it it may help you a little too.

Hope your feeling a bit more positive soon hun.

Here if you need me.

I'm so sorry to read this Clover :( well you know I'm still on meds right now even with TTC. I hope you feel better soon, you are entitled to feel low anyway I know I am with TTC, let alone the depression/anxiety on top of it! I'm waiting on counselling and hoping it may help. I really hope this is just a short blip for you but if you want to chat please PM me, also please let someone know if it gets too difficult to cope with on your own, they won't make you go on medication if you don't want to xxxxxx
Hi sweetie
Sorry I missed your reply
I hope your ok I've missed you on here, I think im going to see my doctor if my moods don't improve,
I haven't BD'd much due to my low moods, ive had my positive Opk today so going to really make an effort over the next few days
how are you feeling? Hope we both get our Bfps my lovely


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