Feeling down again! :'(


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I was off work for 3weeks, and now i'm bk in, i'm sat on my own at my desk, my whole Team on the other side of the room, i went on Holiday with a girl from work, and as you do, fell out, not spoke since, 6weeks down the line, and feel like she's turned my whole team against me. I know this is totally irelavant, but i just feel down, feel AF coming and working is Rubbish :'( sorry to moan girls, i know this sounds like Playground behaviour x
:hug: :hug: :hug:

That is rubbish she is still ignoring you - the only consolation i have is that you have us?! :hug:
oh hun - it'll all blow over in a few weeks everyone will be back to normal and won't even remember :hug: AF on her way always makes everything feel worse :hug:

buy yourself a little treat at lunchtime even if its only a chocolate bar - but better if it's new perfume or something and enjoy that rather than thinking about the silly cows on the other side of the room :wink:
thanks for the super fast replys guys, who needs friends like them, wen i got you guys hehe :-)
its childish behaviour, and i'm past all that :-)
i only came off the pill last mnth, so if AF shows i'll be happy :-) x
my team can be like that some times, i think its all in my head though, its only work, i dont actually give a poop if they like me or not. i guess it makes life easier if they did :rotfl:

Hope you feel better soon :D :hug:
Sorry they're acting like kids. I hate that side of office life. I'm lucky it's 50/50 men women here so not enough to be too bitchy!! Ignore them they'll have a new target in a few weeks. AF is probably making you more sensitive to the situation too. These things always come at once don't they. :roll:
thanks for replys guys,
sat in my own lil corner lol.. but sat on here so dnt feel too lonely hehe, work in call centre inbound calls, lazy bum i am lol..
Chin up chick xxx i am sure it will all blow over and you will be fine

You alwasy have us to talk to anytime!!!!
xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hate the way groups of women do this - its just like being back in the playground!! Get some comfort from the fact that people who start this sort of rubbish are usually doing it because they are jelous of you and are not worth worrying about. I bet if you spoke to the other girls they just go along with her for a quiet life - be the bigger and better person x x x x
Thanks for replys girls, really cheered me up..did a test this morning BFN, oh well i wasnt expecting to be as first month TTC :-)
Good luck to everyone testing ans TTC :-) xx
It's never over till AF arrives :hug: glad you're feeling a bit better - if they get on your nerves today stick your tongue out when they're not looking - always makes me feel better :rotfl:

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