feeling physically sick - why?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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I'm getting a little worried. The last few days i've felt physically sick when i've eaten. I haven't actually been sick but i get hot and feel really nauseaus. I find lying down for 30 mins helps... My baby is moving about okay! could it be that my stomach is getting more and more cramped as the baby grows? I haven't been eating as much as normal. I'm eating enough so i know its not from starving myself. It feels like the first trimester over again... I hope there is nothing wrong? has ayone else experienced this? how would i know if something was wrong? could this be my body telling me? I hate calling the hospital to speak to a MW - i know theres no limits to the amount of times you can call them for advice but i feel like i've called them enough already! (about pins n needles, loosing water, headaches) am I just having normal pregnancy symptoms?
i found that in the last month or so i would get no feeling of being full til it was way to late, suddenly that was it i felt totally sick and couldnt move for a bit.

think it is just that there is so little room for your stomach now that you get full really quickly - but you dont get the gradual feeling of getting full you just suddenly are and you feel sick.

i found i was just more prone to being sick generally as well at this stage. bit like morning sickness again.

mention to your midwife when you see her just to be sure though hun!


I was pretty much the same as Em. I was sick several times for no good reason (a complete waste of good food!) I think I remember reading somewhere that this is quite common in the latter stages -

Just found this on midwives online.com (its a question someone else asked)

Is it normal to feel sick again at in late pregnancy?

Pregnancy sickness can occur all the way through pregnancy, and is not necessarily confined to the early stages. There are two main reasons why you may be experiencing this uncomfortable sickness. Firstly, as you are now 33 weeks pregnant, your baby is taking up all the available space inside as it grows and develops, which puts pressure on your inner organs, particularly your stomach and intestines. The pregnancy hormone progesterone causes your digestive system to slow down, and not work as effectively as when you are not pregnant, which is completely normal. These two factors may cause you to feel a little sluggish and uncomfortably full all the time, which in turn makes you feel sick. Alternatively, it may be that your iron levels are low - iron is responsible for ensuring the body has an adequate supply of oxygen. When your iron stores are low, which is also a common consequence of late pregnancy, you feel dizzy, sick and generally tired. Your midwife should be testing your blood at your next appointment, which should be in approximately a week's time, and if it is found to be low, you can be prescribed iron replacement tablets which will make you feel better as your iron stores are replaced. Iron tablets you get in health food shops are not suitable to take during pregnancy. If you do not have an appointment in the near future, arrange one with your midwife to discuss your concerns. In the mean time, make sure you eat little and often, lots of leafy green vegetables and pure orange juice to ensure your iron stores are helped to regain naturally. Try ginger biscuits and peppermint tea (available in all supermarkets). For further information on pregnancy sickness visit:

Hope this helps hunny & hope you feel better soon.

I had this with my 3rd and he was very tall and at 14 is now extremely tall! His body is taking up a lot of room in your tummy and pushing up, squashing your stomach. This can cause pain and discomfort and actual vomiting. The advice I was given was to eat small meals and eat more often. Soup is quite good and if it's home made even better!

I also took Gaviscon which really helped, but do check with your doctor or midwife first.

Kind Regards
Hi Hayley

I feel the same... sick when i eat and very bloted... i even started throwing up again last weeks at my parenting craft class.... I was putting it down the my iron tables, so i have bought some liquid iron from chemist as this has not side effects.

I will let you know if this changes anything.

Hope you feel better

Keely xxxxx
what is iron for? i don't take any suppliments at all.. i used to take folic acid and a pregnancy up till around 23 - 24 weeks... but i decided my diet is reasonably healthy enough.. i try to eat fresh veg every day... i eat plenty of fish... and rice, potatoes, pasta... gone off meat but i do try some chicken at least once a week... i drink plenty of fruit juces.. so i thought i'd stop the vits.. but i've heard a lot of people are taking iron....

what foods would i get iron from?

Maybe ask to have a blood test to have your iron levels checked?

I often feel a bit nauseaus at work, it's weird. I have to keep snacking (on healthy foods) to keep it at bay.

My sister who had her baby recently was physically sick a few times in the third trimester.
Sorry to hear you are feeling sicky Hayley.

Did you have your routine blood test done at 28 weeks approx? I was told they tested your iron levels again then.

Im not feeling sick but not feeling hungry and having to make myself eat. I havent put on weight for 6 weeks now but I did put on alot in the beginning.

hayley said:
what is iron for?

what foods would i get iron from?


did you have your 28week blood checks? mine come back with low iron so doctor prescribed them, if they dont you dont need them.

you can get iron from dark green vegetables, brazil nuts, dried apricots ..... and drinking fresh orange for vit c helps your body absorb the iron.

Keely xxxx
How are you feeling now Hayley? does the sickness actually manifest into vomiting or is it bad nausea??? The iron theory is a common one.. they should have tested your blood at 28 weeks so maybe your iron levels are OK otherwise they would have told you.. maybe chase your m/w for those results.... don't worry about how often you call her.. it's her job to get you through pregnancy safely and happily!!!

I have felt pretty nauseas these last couple of days... weird feeling - defo like being back in first Tri!!
I take a vit c and iron combined supplement along with zinc and pregnacare daily and my consultant said these should keep my iron levels ok... I have my 28 week blood tests tomorrow.

Hayley sounds as if your diet is very healthy... are you feeling very tired too???

Eveadel.. lucky you not putting any more weight on... wish I hadn't!!
Bagpuss... healthy snacks.. good on you... apart from my craving for apples I am not so good with the healthy snacks!!

Keely.. how awful to be throwing up as a side effect from pills that are supposed to keep nausea and sickness away!!! DOH!!
i used to feel sick if my sugar levels dropped. used to have to eat something sweet and then i felt better. it made me feel sick and dizzy though if i hadn't had enouh sugar. sounds weird!
Funny you should say that Toriella.. I just had a massive chocolate Aero bar.. yumm... and I don't feel nauseas any more!! :shock: :wink: :wink:
Sorry to hear you're all feeling bad girls. If it helps, I feel the same, back to being a bit like morning sickness though but nauseaous (sp!) not physically sick. It comes and goes throughout the day. Don't remember having this last time but could be cause i'm having girl this time???

Also have the "can't fit dinner in" and have to eat it in 2 sessions!

Hope you're all ok

Tan x
i had my blood tested today - they do it at 30 weeks here... wait and see what results i get back.. i've been noticing i start to feel sick when i get warm.. maybe being warm is one of the symptoms.. one minute i'm okay then i feel myself getting warmer and warmer... then i feel sick for a few minutes.. dizzy sick! didn't mention it to the MW today because i was feel okay all day tues and wed morning.. but sods law a few hours later i start feeling dizzy again... i've been eating smaller meals whcih helps.

thanks for your replies.

anna marie - no wonder your feeling a little sick.. you've had a lot on your mind the last few days. How did you get on today - good luck.

is your blood presure ok hayley?

i feel hot and fuzzy sometimes when mine is up?? xxx
my blood pressure is 117 over 60 - don't know what that means but MW seems to be happy with it... At first the reading was really low but the machine was wrong... i'm putting it down to being hot!!! my office is quite warm...

i've turned all the heating off completely in the house.. DH woke up freezing this morning but i was lovely!!! felt awful because he's getting a mild cold too so i popped the heating on for an hour for him... thats me being nice!


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