Feeling out on a limb


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2012
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So im 5w+1 and have told a handful of ppl including my best friend she knew we had been trying n she was really happy for us but has seemed a bit distant over the last week (possibly my hormones?) i havent seen her but deel like i dont want to bore her with baby stuff but also im desperate to share it with her. My sis n mum have been fab but feels strange seen pics of her out on fbook etc when im normally the one next to her. Dnt get me wrong im thrilled about the pregnancy just feel a bit alienated. Just wanted to get it off my chest!! :0/

Babydust to all
Also OH has got some accountancy exams coming up so just feeling a bit funny as he is trying to revise etc etc and all his attention is on yhat- god i sound selfish :cry:

Babydust to all
Aww huni, your going to feel all lonely and stuff you got loads of hormones going around your body and things are going to feel different. My other half is releasing a new album and is doing the last bits to the songs so ive not seen that much of him and back to work tomorrow. We've all got to stick together and keep our chins up! I feel like crying over stupid stuff and things that wouldnt bother me are winding me up to the max!!! Grrrrrrr...
You'll be ok, just take a deep breath and try to relax. If your concerned about your buddy get her round and have a chat, i had to do this to my best mate and tell her just because im pregnant it wont change anything...
chin up chuckles!!!
xxxxxx :hugs:
Thanks huni wow an album very exciting! I think ill just see how it goes xx

Babydust to all
Yeah its pretty cool but i'll be glad when i get him back!!! see im selfish too! :)
You'll be fine honestly, just hang in there...
Sorry ure feeling like this hun, maybe just hormones making u a little paranoid? Sending u big :hugs:

Heya, I've only just found out I'm expecting my first and know how you feel, all my friends consists of people who are years from having babies etc. This Friday I saw them all out partying and whilst I'm happy to leave that life behind, it does feel very strange because now you kind of realise that your whole life is going to be different, and maybe friends will feel they cannot relate so much (and maybe we'll feel we can't relate to them) so there could be distance.

I think for you if your OH is working on exams and your best friend is going out without you it will feel like you're a bit lonely. I think it's good to go on these forums and talk with others, I'm sure a lot of how you're feeling is hormones and once your baby is here you'll have all your friends around you loads and no time to be lonely! :)
Thanks Sammy majes me feel better that it isnt just me feeling that way xx

Babydust to all
My first pregnancy I was 18, all my friends were off to uni and I was buying my first house :0/ you soon learn who you're friends are!!
I feel like I've cut people out of my life since getting my BFP, sounds silly, but I don't want to tell loads of people, and I don't want to be lying to them. I've been so run down that I've already had to tell some people I've had a mysterious virus that's wiping me out (not sure how long that will last), and I don't want to be moaning to friends and then having to give them the virus story, so if I'm barely speaking to them and not seeing them, I don't have to lie.....I sound really odd now don't I?

Glad I got my Mum and Dad really close, my OH and even my teenage daughter
Sorry your feeling like this hunny, it will pass. I'm looking forward to the 12 week milestone when it can finally come out in the open.

If you want to chat about baby stuff, you know where we are x
Thanks huni xxxx noticed thetime of ur post :0( this ismy first lie in since finding bf xx

Babydust to all
Lie in? what's that? I'm just practising for the sleepless nights... :roll:
Deffo hormones hun. Pregnancy makes u realise who ur true friends are too xxx
I think its my hormones ive had about 5 outfits on this mornibg dnt feel comfortable in any of them dnt feel like my body is my own x

Babydust to all
I was like that yesterday! Everything I put on looked awful and I just felt huge. OH had to point out that I'm no bigger than I was a couple of weeks ago and that I look like I always do.

Didn't stop me having a little cry though :(

:hugs: it will get better sweetie xx bloody hormones!
I've just cried at desperate housewives tonight! Definitely hormones....lol :)


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