Feeling Normal


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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I just wondered if anyone else has had very few symptoms i have sore boobs and have felt nausea and tired for only one day but nothing else. My stomach is more bloated and harder than usual. I can't help but think the worst when i feel so well. I know its early days but i want some symptons for reassurance.
with my first pregnancy i didnt even know untill i was 17 weeks. i had no symptoms, nothing different then one day i started feeling queezy at the smell of certain things and a friend made me do a test.
this time around i have achy boobs, im knackered, my tum is big and i just "knew" but everyone is different and each pregnancy is different. infact just enjoy feeling good for now as im sure in a couple of months you'll be joining us all in moaning about it all lol
My symptoms have also not been as extreme as some of the ladies here. I have been gassy, nauseous, light headed, and tired. But never sick enough to puke.
I am the opposite!

I feel so tired, sore boobs and I feel sick but haven't been sick.

I can't eat either
Yes I know what you mean. I have sore boobs on and off and I fall asleep at lunchtime but apart from that and the odd stretchy feeling that's about it.

With my first pregnancy I had no symptoms at all until about 8 or 9 weeks. I didn't find out I was pg untill 11 weeks. It doesn't mean anythings wrong.
This time around the symptoms are only just starting to kick in properly
apart from a few pains i feel ok today boobs aint sore to much either which isnt a bad thing in my eyes :D
manda xx
I had very few symptoms - no morning sickness or any nausea to speak of - just tender boobs - make the most of it!!!
Thanks for the reassurance i feel a lot better although i am very tired today. :sleep:
I have good days and bad no 2 days are the same.i have days when i feel very pregnant and days when i dont feel pregnant at all.i still worry but have come to the conclusion im a born worrier,chin up hun were with you all the way :wave: :)
my sickness is subsiding now it's just the cramps :x

Enjoy it for now as it will be back :hug:

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