feeling a bit strange


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Just wondering if anyone has had the same as I'm going throu.

My boobs have got bigger, have veins in but are now not sore. My stomach is bloated and I get niggles in my stomach. I feel a bit sick in the morning when I get up then it passes. Odd dizzy spells here and there. That's it for symptoms, anyone else feel like they havent got a loads of symptoms going on? I thought I'd have more!? X
I hardly have anything, sometimes get a few AF type cramps, tiredness, hungriness, moodiness, sore nipples... but that's it, think it's normal though. Not everyone gets the horrible morning sickness symptoms x
I get morning sickness when i dont eat. I think that's why people get it first thing, because you have an empty stomach, except that i dont get it first thing. The worst is waiting for dinner. I have cramps every day that are very low down which worries me. I'm not sure if my breasts are bigger and apparently nipples should be darker as well and they are not, why not? Are yours? But they do hurt like hell. And tiredness, heartburn, burping and (TMI) farting like a sailor on baked beans!! It's awful! I keep saying "It's not me, it's the baby!" But my husband just looks at me with raised eyebrows.
starfish your nipples take a while to darken, mine are a funny pale colour now and again but look darker than they did before I got pregnant, My boobs did get bigger pretty quick and they stopped being sore about 12 weeks like you Constantstar so don't worry its all to come as for the farting haha it only gets worse :S brews cos you can't go for a number 2 as often x

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