Feeling great...maybe I should be worried!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
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So I've made it to 12 weeks and am now feeling great! It's nice to feel human again but like previous threads I'm now a bit worried that something's wrong even though I know it's normal for symptoms to fisappear at this point. Scan is Wednesday...going to be so scared!! Anyone else being scanned this week?x
I felt exactly same...didn't seem right to feel so good....all turned out great at scan though.....good luck for Wed xxxx
It's normal to feel better hunny as the placenta is taking over now so ur poor body doesn't have to support not only you but your bubba xx
I'm exactly the same as you, my scan is on Wednesday n my due date is 14th July! I feel great today so I'm slightly worried but fingers crossed all will be well at the scan! X
Yay I have a scan/bump buddy! Fingers crossed for us both...it's good to know we're both feeling the same though! I just still can't get my head around there being a little person in there and not being able to feel them...it's so surreal! I know most women go through a stage like this though so that's encouraging. What time is your scan? Mine's 11.25...I will be SO nervous, doubt I'll sleep tomorrow night.
I've felt so good today I've done more housework than I've done in the last 8 weeks! Think it's probably a good thing though as if we felt like we do in the first trimester the whole way through the house would be a tip before baby arrives! x
My scan is nice and early at 8.20! I know I wont get much sleep tomorrow night for worrying.

It is still a strange feeling that there is another person growing inside me and I cant stop worrying that there is something wrong. Hopefully after the scan I will be able to relax and enjoy things more.

Ive got the joys of taking down our decorations and house work tomorrow so at least that will take my mind off things for a little while x

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