Feeling emotional


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2013
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Hi, I've been a bit quiet on here recently. Hope people are doing ok. I'm just here to vent a bit really so apologise now.

I'm not sure quite why but I've been feeling really low this month, crying and annoyed by everything and everyone. Kind of feeling like the world is against me even though I know that's not the case. Two more people I know are now pregnant, one even announcing at just 6 weeks. I do try to be happy for them and I am, I don't wish bad in anyone but I'm just jealous. It's baby number 2 for them both and neither have had any troubles and it just "happened really quickly" and I sick if hearing that these days.

I was due on 30th of this month and the fact I've not managed to get pregnant again is making it seem harder to deal with. Not sure whet we're doing differently this time round but just not happening yet :(

That's my little moan, I know I need to stay positive and I know others have had it much harder and my heart goes out to everyone having tough times xxx
I would love to tell you it gets easier with time, but we both know it really doesn't. Just try and take everything one day at a time and don't forget to take some time for yourself to heal emotionally.
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Hey love, I've hardly been on here at all, sometimes I think it makes me a bit too obsessed and makes the time go slower when I really want it to sped up and be ovulating time again!!

I 100% get what you're saying and feel exactly the same. All these easy pregnancies hit me really hard, just wish it could be me.

However there's a girl I know who has been trying for years just posted her scan pic up on FB and she's totally given me hope. I know it's been a really difficult journey for her but she's now conceived after her 2nd attempt at IVF. We just need to believe that there's still a chance for us and it WILLL happen!!! xxx
Thanks Cosmo. I'm with you on terms of sometimes avoiding being on here as become a bit obsessive and get myself more worried so try over do it.

Af arrived yesterday so my cycle is looking like it's about 31-32 days now. Husband is around this month so hopefully we might get lucky :s we'll see I guess.

Had a new born and 12 week announcement and a friend passed way yesterday so it's been a tough start to this cycle
Right if hubby is here then you just need to get bd'ing left right and centre!!! My hubs has travel plans on the horizon but not sure what dates yet, if it falls on fertile days I swear I'm bloody going with him. He's got a bit of flexibility with the dates so hopefully it'll work out. Roll on that smiley face then bfp!!!

Sounds like a really tough couple of days for you, chin up and think positive. My AF is due in the next couple of days so we're nearly on same cycle. Would be great if we both fell this month xxx
Hi hunni .I just wanted to send you loads of baby dust and love and just to let you know I will be silently in the back ground next month willing baby dust your way xxxxxxx
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It's really really hard. I've been trying since very early 2012. My daughter was born after a very very difficult and scary pregnancy, and then I had a miscarriage at 11w. Then I got pregnant again a few months later, only to mc at 11 weeks again despite having had two scans which were looking good. Then it took me a whole year to get a BFP again, and looking back, it was DEFINITELY stress related. I was very unhappy in my job and just desperate to get a BFP again. It's all I thought about. I lost that baby too at 7w.
However, I effectively gave up. I got a much better job, relaxed, joined weight watchers and lost that last stubborn stone from being pregnant all those times and got pregnant naturally and unexpectedly. I'm now 18w. I'm terrified, of course but it CAN happen. During that time I watched so many people post scan pics and all sorts so I know how you feel.
Don't lose faith. Know that it will happen, wishing you lots of baby dust and big hugs x
Thanks. Got a nice weekend away so going to try and relax and stay positive. No stressing or over thinking. I am generally a non stressesy person i need to get back to that. Lots of good luck and nice times to come for everyone hopefully x
Sending you so much baby dust it's unreal! Hope you're ok hun, been a while since I chattered to you! Xx

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