Feeling down


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Grrrr...what is wrong with me. I feel so sick and depressed at the moment.

All I wanted was another baby and now I am pregnant and feeling sick all day everyday whilst trying to look after a 17 month old. I am not coping well and keep crying and feel like a shell of my former self.

How am I going to cope when the baby is born I can't cope well now.

Sorry to leave a sad message like this but I feel so helpless.

Poor you... not really sure what to say, your hormones are playing games with you honey.

Hope your sickness gets better soon and try and stay positive :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

it's so normal to feel this way!

You have hormones developing all over your body, you feel ill and tired and have a little dependant.

it's little wonder you feel ill :hug:

It will get better though, I know it seems a long way away now but once you get towards tri 2, your energy levels should rise and when the baby is born believe me your body is programmed to deal with it :hug:

Is there noone who can take your little one off your hands for a few hours or just come and sit with them for even half an hour while you have a little nap/soak in the bath?

probably been no help but wanted to send you a big hug regardless :hug:
So sorry to hear you are feeling like this minikins.

It'll just be your hormones making you feel like this. You'll be fine when the baby arrives, and you'll cope. I know it's hard when you have a LO to look after but is there anyway you can get some time to yourself for some "me time". Lie in the bath or go for a walk to try and help you relax. I know when I am feeling stressed and like everything is getting on top of me just some time with myself, when i can calm myself down, really helps.

I'll be thinking of you. PM me if you need to chat
Hopefully you'll feel much more positive once the sickness has passed. :hug:
aw hunni i hope you start to feel better soon.

it will get better :hug:
sorry to read your feelin so low i had days like this when i had really bad nausea n tiredness, i think kirlykird is right in sayin youir bound to feel this way for a bit as your hormones are all over the place.

i hope you start to feel better really soon :hug:

i'm sure once the MS has eased off you'll feel much more in control :)
Firstly, congratulations Minikins! I'm so please to hear your news.

Your hormones will be all over the place so it's totally normal to feel down in the dumps for no reason. Don't feel bad or guilty for feeling sad, just have a cry when you need to and hopefully you will feel better soon :)

How's the little dude doing? Got anymore funny photos of him? hehe

Take Care
Congrats on your BFP first of all! :cheer:

As for the way you're feeling, like the others have said its your hormones! I still have days like that now and Im 17 weeks!

I hope you feel better soon, we're all here if you need to moan :)
Sorry to hear you are feeling down. :hug:

Those first few weeks can be really hard. I remember feeling totally tired out after a normal day's work and I didn't have another little one to worry about.

Hang in there, it'll get better and in a few weeks your energy level will rise so you'll feel more able to cope. In the meantime get as much rest as you can, especially when your little one is napping, it'll do you good.

hey hun your hormones are most proberly to blame for this and it will get easier.

Im sorry you are feeling so down it cant be easy for you but it will get better if you ever want to chat just PM me anytime you want otherwise we are all here to help you. :hug: :hug:

Sorry your feeling like this i still have days like this as today is so far and i just feel like crying, hard looking after her when i feel this low.
Hope you start to feel better soon :hug: im here if you need to chat
Hello honey,

Sorry to hear you are feeling so sad - I can't imagine being preggers with a little one to look after - I'm really lucky as I've been on holiday for the past 2 weeks so I've been able to eat what I want, when I want and nap in the afternoon - I have the utmost respect for you that you are looking after your wee one and making a baby!

As others have suggested above, try and get some time for yourself if possible and keep posting, we're all here for you.

Valentine xxx
Thank so much for all your lovely responses and you are all right.

Today my hubby has been home and helping and I had a lie in and that made all the difference.

I am still panicking like crazy and now stuffing my face with ginger biscuits!!!

Will post some piccies of Dom when I get my arse in gear. I only get to go on here every now and then, so will sort out soon.

:hug: :hug: :hug: To all of you who responded!
hey hun anytime we are all here to support you whenever you need us

Glad you have had a good day today and you had some help

Hope you enjoy your biscuits take care :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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