feeling down today


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Hi Girls,

Im feeling a little down today, my hubbie of six weeks and I are fighting a lot - way more than usual, Im hormonal, tired and a bit cranky, and I dont think he is making any allowences for me being pregnant. He is a bit anxious about the whole thing and I understand that, but I really thought he would make a bit of a fuss of me but he isnt at all (i feel) he would probably disagree. Its supposed to be such a happy time, and I really need him, this is really upsetting me, I have spoken to him about it, but it seems to make no difference. I think I might buy him a book so he knows what is going on. Are any of you a bit cranky at the minute??

Thanks for listening
E xx
yes all the time.. and im also a newly wed.. we got married in march.

i hear the pregnancy fro blokes is a good book.. written by men in fhm terms..

try to talk to him and just say i know im being a bit needy but im feeling like i need a bit more of your time and thoughts right now, just tell him what you are feeling is normal.. because you have a lot of hormones flying around right now..and that he needs to be more understanding xx gl
I feel exactly the same!! I think my DH just wants to be more involved and cant be right now and doesnt know how to react yet. Maybe yours is the same?
I think you are probably right, also I think he needs the next scan to confirm there is a baby and that he is going to be a dad - ill just try and be patient until then I think.
my OH wasnt convinced until the baby was born lol he stood there shocked to his core. he wasnt very involved when she was lil either its only when shes starting to play that hes playing with her.
i have been sooo cranky, im quite high strung and easily stressed anyway and with the extra hormones buzzing around im even worse and im crying about the silliest lil arguments. im not married but at this rate i dont think theres gona be any chance of him even asking me lol
lol i was a complete nightmare when i was pg. constantly arguin cryin all the time i couldnt believe how much of a bitch i was lol

its totally normal tho, your oh should understand that its not you, its your hormones. :hug:
I cried yesterday because a chair hit me in the face (completely my own fault).
I just couldn't stop!!! Funny how the silliest things start us off.
My fella as a whole is good, but we do argue quite a bit, he is finding it hard now though not to phone me and say sorry!!!!
I can identify so much with what you are all saying!
My Fiance and i get married September 1st and I am 4 weeks pregnant. We have both been really broody for ages and it was a dream come true to be pregnant. I am so excited about it but also really scared. We have had one or 2 arguments (mainly because he is giving up smoking as Im pregnant and its making him v stressed!) but whereas before it would be like water off a ducks back to me, now its really affecting me. I think its because I feel so vunerable and now im pregnant everything seems so important so before if we had a fight I would just walk away as it only affected me then we would make up later, now Im like "oh my god is this how its going to be for the rest of my life and we are having a baby together so im trapped and have to stay cos i dont want to be a single mum" etc etc!!! Which is completely over the top and ridiculous!! But I guess that what is happening to us is such a massive change not just physically and emotionally, but also life changing, that we are bound to be a hell of a lot more sensitive and take things to heart a lot more than we used to!
maybe he is still trying to take it in, my OH it took him quite a few weeks to actually believe it was happening. it wasnt until our scan about 14 weeks when he could actually see it he actually believed it was happening.

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