Feeling down in the dumps


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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I know I am not far away from giving birth, but the last few days in this heat and with my aches and pains I have reached a low ebb.

Last night my feet decided to swell up massively - they had been swollen before but they went huge, I got a bit worried, phoned the mw and she basically told me to put my feet up etc etc, I felt like I had wasted her time. I know this has happened to some of you too.

Why do they do this to us? We are naturally concerned for our welfare and our babies and want to be sure things are ok and are then made to feel like hypocondriacts (probably spelt that wrong)!!!


So now am trying to sit with feet up, can't walk for because of my pelvis and keep getting breathless, I feel totally helpless and disabled and really stressed out !

Rant over, thanks for listening and hope I didn't put you to sleep! PS - I need some sleep too!!

Just wanted to give you some hugs and baby dust Minikins :)

Hope you are feeling better today....some midwives suck. It seems like a real luck of the draw unfortunately :(
Aww Rosie. *hugs*

I guess when they deliver so many beutiful little bubs they forget how exciting and how special and how scary each parent feels... perhaps they start taking it for granted.

Don't feel bad, it's your right to call. Hell if you so much as sneeze and worry it's your RIGHT to call.

You've done nothing wrong calling, and you're more than entitled to feel a little 'down'. Hell, it's a bloody miracle more pregnant women don't turn into absolute maniacs really, could you imagine if it was men carrying these little lumps? WORLD WAR 3 thank you very much, that's what we'd have!!!
Thanks Rosie and Casa, I feel a lot better now, the temperature is going down and so is the swelling.

Am glad I posted my rant now :)

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