Feeling depressed


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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And there was me taking for granted how i easy i get pregnant!
After 2 MC now and no sign of a baby its really starting to get to me, i feel like a mad woman and everywhere i turn and look theirs friends with babies or all over the tv. Its just getting to the point where i want to stay in the house and never come out.

And not to mention im getting a bit fed up with just having the BD for trying for a baby. Not that he seems to understand me at the minute ( poor sod can't do anything right, bless him)

Anyone else ever feel so low they just feel like giving up and stop letting it take over your life, oh i could cry loads today.

Awww.... don't worry honey. This IS going to happen for you, you know. I have been trying to conceive for over a year now for my second and nothing seems to be happening but other people have been trying for a long time as well and it seems that they are now all starting to get their BFP's. I know you will be pleasantly surprised in no time at all. Think positive, try not to try too hard! Relax, take it easy.... I try and just know the date i'm ovulating and then BD when i feel like it around that time (the rest of the month as well of course or fella would NOT be happy!!!) and then try and forget about any symptoms and before you know it you will realise you are LATE and then it will be panic stations and celebrations!!!! Baby Dust xxx
Dont worry, i'm sure we all get that way, i certainly do. I kno there will be loadsaaa tears this month if AF arrives, which she hasnt yet but i dont wanna test and get a negative like last month so i'm gonna wait till friday :hug:
I know exactly how you feel. Its like when your single and all you see is couples. All i see now are babys or pregnant woman. All my family seem to be up the duff. My best mate is due to pop next mth its her second and my sis in law is due feb and its her second arggggghhh. I thought baby making was a natural thing why is it so hard!!!!! This is my 5th month now fed up with sex every other day! :cheer:
I know what u mean i got preg alot quicker last time but i didnt get a bfp this mth am gutted, however im thinking hurry af and finish so i can beat you at your own game!!

I have my ov tests to hand and im ready to rumble!!

We'll get there in the end hon.

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