Feeling crampy

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Well for the last hour I have been feeling a bit crampy, like mild period pains - also lower back ache that is drawing round to my tummy. It might be related to my pelvic pain so trying not to think about it too much; I think the baby has moved down further which is good though.

Wouldnt it be nice to have this baby now..here's hoping!

Hope all you other girls in tri 3 who are coming to the end are not too uncomfortable, this waiting game is very tiring!

Hope it's something for you hunni I have been getting period pains in
My bump and down my legs all day yesterday and still this morning I'm
Starting to get worried lol but baby is still over over over actor so I'm not panicking lol! I hope u go into labour soon
Uncomfortable!!! Lol can't think how your feeling Hun x x x x x
I want to be positive for you and hope this could be it for you...but at the same time...I dont want any more queue jumpers! lol.

But yeah, I really do hope things do move along. And even if this isn't it, it means things are helping to prepare your body and things are moving along. Not long now! :D xx
i think now when the LOs have started to pop out you will all follow so there will def be another baby this week, maybe yours? :D XX
Wow.... exciting...

Really hope this is for you......

I wouldnt want my baby to come early.... Hubby isnt back from work till 26th Aug - So need it to hold on till then!!!

Good Luck xxxx
I think my body is gearing up, I wouldnt be surprised if when I have my first sweep next Thursday things get going - OH's birthday next Friday so that would be a nice present for him!
:yay: fingers crossed for you hun! I know exactly how exciting this must be for you, Im beyond desparate already to get this baby out, and there are no signs at all other than BHs through the day instead of just in the evenings :wall:

Keep us posted, youve got my number if you need me to update for you. Im not going anywhere anytime soon :)
hope these are signs of something happening RM.

really hope you girls get your LO's soon, (not till 26th Aug at least for Lucy though!), but mel you have got to be next. I'm still at the feeling OK stage, but wierdly looking forward to the feeling close to giving birth stage - I will be eating my words in a few weeks time.
hope these are signs for you and you dont need 2 wait too long xxx
Fingers crossed for you RM xxx
I reckon that the head is engaged now, Im getting all those type of pains now and again underneath iykwim? Perhaps thats why my pelvis is sore, its all opening up! Fingers crossed for all of us who are waiting to pop em out! :lol:
Fingers crossed for you that baby is heading down! I am trying not to think of all the little signs I have been getting as it is starting to do my head in when they dont progress-i am just soo impatient!
Your probably a lot more chilled since babe has turned and so your body knows it can now do its thing - i'm so pleased things are gearing up for you xx
I can see things happening sooner rather than later hun :love: Hope so :hug:
I reckon that the head is engaged now, Im getting all those type of pains now and again underneath iykwim? Perhaps thats why my pelvis is sore, its all opening up! Fingers crossed for all of us who are waiting to pop em out! :lol:


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