Feeling angry at the moment


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2013
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Basically what the title says. I miscarried our first baby a month ago after two years of trying. Was a very difficult time as you will all know and I thought I was doing okay, but recently I've Been so angry about things.
I'm angry other people are having babies and I'm not, I'm angry people with babies are whinging about them, I'm angry my sister and brother have babies and I don't. I'm doing my best to avoid people which I know is bad but I'm scared I'm not going to stop myself from saying something that I don't really mean.
Yesterday a young girl who has one child already announced her pregnancy on Facebook and due the same month as I would of been. The worst thing was she announced it by saying "can finally moan about being pregnant"wtf!!! Know some people have very difficult pregnancies but to announce this exciting news by saying that. I know I'm sensitive at the moment but I was so cross.
Has anyone else had feelings like this and when does it stop?
Sorry for the long rant.
Oh hunny I know exactly what you mean anger is one of the phases of grief and we all go through it and come out the other side. You will still get random days where you are just down right pissed off and it's not bloody fair. It's all normal. It's only been a short time so allow yourself to grieve without feeling guilty. The moan about being pregnant gets me too I'm so insanely jealous I'd love to be big and fat and sick with sore bits ect but if I do get pregnant I'm sure ill moan too. It does get better with time, honestly xxx
Hi Glow - I know exactly what you mean, I feel the rage too!

I have one friend in particular who seems to post nothing but complaints about what a nightmare her two children are, seriously I have never seen one good word written about them, just how much hard work they are, what they've done wrong etc. Makes my blood boil.

When I get my forever baby I will try to take a step back when I feel cross with it for crying and count my blessings and remember the heartache I have been through.

Hey hun, I was wandering how you were.
You are not alone trust me! I go through all sorts of emotions, anger being one of them, jealousy another big one! It's just really hard, i think whatever you are feeling, we are all in the same boat!
Feel free to pm me if you ever want a moan! x

FB is the work of the devil to all women who have suffered a MC :(
I know how you feel hun.. My pregnant sis was moaning the other day about being kicked by her LO and how being kicked had woken her up. I was so angry - I wanted to shout at her and say 'at least you have a baby to moan about kicking you' but I know that won't help.

I have angry, resentful days and it is ok to be angry. It has been six weeks for me today and I am sad, but hopeful that one day I will have a happy healthy baby. Give yourself time to grieve. Facebook is the worst for pregnancy announcements, baby related info etc. Take care hun x x x
Oh jeez, I must really sicken people. All I do is moan about being pregnant!!
It's totally natural to feel angry, resentful, upset and a whole lot more besides. You have been through a devastating loss and you have a right to feel how you feel. The important thing is to not lose hope though, youhave to believe that your bfp and your sticky bean are just around the corner. Good luck hun x
Thank you everyone I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like this. I just want to scream sometimes. I'm preying we get another bfp soon and like you say that this one will be a sticky little bean x
Hi Glow :wave: I hope you don't mind me posting in here. I totally get where you're coming from - I've had 4 mcs since June last year and with each one I became more and more resentful. My best friend was pregnant the same time as me (with my 1st pregnancy), we were happily planning how we would go through everything together and then my world came crashing down. She went on to have a healthy baby in January whilst I had nothing. It was so hard to be happy for her. Also, there is a woman at work who announced she was pregnant after I think it was my 2nd or 3rd loss. Of course she didn't know my history, and was just really excited to be telling everyone her news - I absolutely hated her!! I couldn't bear to be in the same room as her and would tear up if she started talking about anything to do with her pregnancy. Even now I am still struggling as I am so terrified it will be taken away from me again :-( I just want my happy ending like so many other women out there.

Please, please don't give up hope - i'm hoping your happy ending is just round the corner for you xxxxx
Thank you Katkin. My best friend Is due 4 weeks before I would of been with het 3rd child. Like you we were so excited about going through everything together and then this happened.
I'm still pleased for her but it's so hard seeing her pregnancy progressing and I'm back to square one. She had 20 week scan today and I tried so hard to make an effort to ask about it but afterwards I was all emotional and sily. Never mind.
Fingers crossed for you x
I really feel for you - I've not mc'd and the only thing I'm sure of is that I only have the vaguest comprehension of how low it could make someone feel. A good friend of mine would have had a similar edd to me but mc'd at around 10 weeks - I mainly left her alone as I think that's what I would have wanted and I just hope it's been the right thing to do. I seriously don't think we'll be properly okay from her pov until she gets her sticky bean.

Fx for all of you x

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