Feeling alone. (boring life story post coming)


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2011
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As the title states, I am really feeling alone at this stage. I have been in the UK since 07, married my husband in 08 and settled here to be with him. I have worked in a very small office but never really became friends with the co workers, just acquaintances and then I started my own business and have no one working for me so couldn't find friends that way either. My husband doesn't meet people because of a medical disability so we never go out and I'm too shy to go out alone.

It never really bothered me as I use to have work that kept me busy and now that I have had to give up work and can't do much. I am feeling the heavy weight of loneliness hit me. All my old friends and family are back "home" and the internet can only help a tiny bit.

Sorry for long ass life story, desire to talk sort of builds up when you don't have people to talk to. I have looked at all the pregnancy and mum to be groups around but to be honest, I am way to nervous to go to them.

So am I just strange or has anyone else ever have this happen to them?
I've not had this happen but pop along to a baby group when you've had your baby. Your have things in common (babies) so your find it easier to talk to other people x.
Sorry you're feeling like this.

I know you said you are nervous but book yourself on some antenatal classes (I reccommend the Nct ones) and you can meet people this way, also great for when baby comes for you to meet up. And I agree with laceys mummy, get to some baby groups when LO is here. I was nervous when I went to my first class but I met lots of lovely mummies and we still meet up every couple of weeks xxx
I am in exactly the same situation, I moved to the UK to be with my husband and left all my family and friends behind. I work alone at my desk all day, which would probably get rather depressing if it weren't a conscious choice and I didn't love what I do.
I do want to take her to swimming lessons when she is old enough so I will meet other mums there. I have heard some bad things about antenatal classes that have me not wanting to set foot anywhere near them. People who went just to meet other people in the same situation had no luck as everyone was from so far away and told me not to bother wasting my time going to any.

Ish, how far away do your family live, if you don't mind me asking?
Ish, how far away do your family live, if you don't mind me asking?

They're in Romania. We visit twice a year, but it's hardly enough, as I've always been very close to my family :(
So you know how it can be. Mine are all back in Aus and I haven't been able to get back since early 2009. I have lost some family members since then and have been unable to get back to say goodbye or be with the family. My family have never really been that close, way too many of us, but most of them were always there if someone needed them.
So you know how it can be. Mine are all back in Aus and I haven't been able to get back since early 2009. I have lost some family members since then and have been unable to get back to say goodbye or be with the family. My family have never really been that close, way too many of us, but most of them were always there if someone needed them.
I can't believe how similar our situations are, I lost both my grandparents since I've been here and haven't been able to say goodbye either.... That was a really low point.
I moved hhere 07 n haven't really made any friends either, its hard work but when bubba is here, go babygroups n activitys :hugs:
I can't relate with moving country, but I do live away from my family, and also work for myself so always lived in a little bubble! I was worried about being lonely, but after a few weeks of having LO I started going to some groups, it was a baby cafe at first, then gradually introduced swimming, signing, dancing, music classes, a 'tiny time' drop in and a Mums and and tots group. I soon found that lots of women go to more than one group so soon made friends.

I wont lie, it took a real conscious effort, and I discovered that I don't get on with everyone, bur I have a good little circle of 'mummy' friends now, and at the end of the day we were all new mums looking for friendship so all in the same boat, and with one big thing in common! Just be yourself, get yourself out there, and you will be fine :)
I live a long way from all my friends and family, since I've moved here I've not really made any friends and it does get lonely. I try to do things anyway but it's hard.

There is a website called meetup.com which you can search for groups with similar interests to you in your area, might be worth a try?
I am in a very similar situation. All of my family live in Texas and my husband's family live in Wales.

We live in Greater London, but we have only lived here for about a year. I really haven't managed to make any friends. It does get very lonely.

To top it off, my husband is going to be working in Germany for the next few months so I really will be all alone.

Forums like this help a lot. :)

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