Feeling a bit too normal today!

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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I felt nausea from day before AF was due last time, but nothing this time yet. I know I should be counting my blessings, but I don't feel pregnant at all today.

When did nausea kick in for you all?:eh:
Not until I was 7 weeks, so only suffered for 5 days so far but I already am looking forward to not feeling sick. xx
I felt great uptill just before 6 weeks and then it kicked it and feel nauseous all the time now, I think they say it generally starts around 6 weeks xx
I was bad weeks 6 and 7 but now the only thing telling me I am pregnaant is the occasional stretching pains and tiredness! Oh and constipation! I had a scan on monday and baby is going good :-)
Don't wish the sickness on yourself!!! I never felt pregnant at all lol only symptom i had was heartburn in week 30 plus!
With Jasper it was from 5 weeks, wake up, throw up and that started my day until week 16... With this baby, its very very different and i am a bit nauseas in the day but not majorly and thats been going on a few days, but i dunno how pregnant i am yet! i imagine around 6 weeks x
Ditto mrsMC .....I've only had 2 days feeling sick now just occasional tiredness and small stetching pains, hopefully you won't get terrible sickness?!

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