the past couple of days i feel like im fighting a loosing battle. zack has been a bit niggly and not slept much during the day, he has been really trying and crying more than normal. he will only seem to settle on the breast which he falls asleep on and as soon as i put him in his moses basket he wakes after about 30 mins to 1 hour durin the day and then crys again. my oh gets aggitated as zack is being breastfed so he cant do anything to help, thing is its more diffcult for me as im the one constantly attached to zacks mouth and the sofa. got ohs mate visitin tomorrow and staying for a few days and the house is a tip and i want thing to be nice for him coming but hardly get enough time to go to the loo never mind tidy up!!!! have had to resort to putting zack in his cot for 10 mins at a time to get him used to cryin by himself and for me not to go to him every time he crys. its hard as i feel really guilty when he crys but i have realised i get all angry when he crys and nothing can settle him. another thing, hes been more dribbly the past couple of days? went to my grans today and i showed her a mark on zacks neck, looks like he has nipped himself? looks exactly like a small love bite and i said it liiked like he'd nipped himself, he has quite a strong grip so i assumed this was what it was? she said he wasnt old enough to do this and said it looked like a zip mark? i assumed she was remarking that it was down to me gettin his skin trapped in a zip? she then told me to get it checked out by a doc. i feel like my family is trying to belittle me. feel like shite i really do. christ im only his mother. for sake. dont wanna swear as i dunno if i'd be chucked off the site but you can probably guess what i wanted to say. feel drained, bear with me coz i know ive posted alot but i havent been online since saturday due to the fact ive been in demand but in a restricted way!