Feel rubbish


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Since yesterday I have felt cr@p.

I keep feeling sick and last night I was really hot but not to touch, I just felt really hot my hands and feet were on fire (my hands didn't swell up but felt tight and were bright red).
Then I started to feel sick because i felt so hot.

Now today i'm really tired because i didn't get to sleep till 4am and i've got a bit of tummy ache and feel sick again.

Think I might make an appointment to see my GP tomorrow.
aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i hate feelin hot :( i would rather feel cold lol
hope its nothing to worry about :hug: :hug: :hug:
I pretty much feel the same, it hurts to look at the light too :(
Maybe there is something doing the rounds :think:

Think i'm just over tired i often feel a bit sick when i'm too tired.

I did ask my M/W the other week about having hot hands and feet and she did say it is because of the increased blood flow and it is usually hands and feet that get really hot. But last night i was ridiculously hot yet the previous few nights my feet had been freezing cold :roll: can't win.
hi hun
tilly tots was feeling iffy too, I had an episode of feeling hot and cold and sick and it was because my sis has split with her partner and came in the middle of the night in her pjama's with her dog and suitcase, I got overtired and it felt awful like a bug. Painkillers, sleep and cold shower really really helped...hope you feel better soon
take it easy xx
Aw Emma :hug:

I think we must be in synch... I've been having real hot flushes this week too!! Think there is definitely something going round. I am normally freezing!!!!!!

Hope you feel better soon :hug:

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