Feel really upset with people


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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Getting really pissed off with people saying awww how small is Caitlin! She weighed 6ib 90zs at birth and though the first two days lost 4ozs she has gained weight all the time , never lost and is now weighing 8lbs. Health visitor (i spoke to her today) says Im being silly, Caitlin is perfect just petite, she is following the 25th centile and has gained wieght every time she is weighed and she is really pleased with her, as she is breast fed, But I dunno I feel a failure when people says she is small, even though Im only 5'2, my parents not much bigger and even though my partner is 6foot his parents and sisters are only around the 5'3 mark. Don't really understand the centile markings anyway.

Maybe Im am being silly letting it get to me, but really feel like hitting the next person lol
Isla is exactly the same, she was 6lb 12 at birth, breastfed and following the 25th percentile. Basically if 100 children were lined up, our babies would be the 25th heaviest.

Don't worry :) people are always saying Isla is tiny but she feels HUGE to me! Xx

Awww hun I know the feeling, ella is on the 25th centile and people always say how tiny she is. My view now is that good things come in small packages! try not to let it get to you :hug: you are definitely not a failure x
Hun I wouldn't worry at all it sounds like she is doing prrfectly! Ella was only 5lbs 9oz when she was born, she went down to 5lbs 6oz and since then has been gaining weight steadily - she was 6lbs 6oz two weeks ago and I reckon she will be 7lbs plus when she is weighed tomorrow. She is also on the 25th centile. Personally I love that she's ickle coz she stays my little girl for longer! Just enjoy having a wee baby - she's perfectly healthy and you aren't doing anything wrong! x
My little boy is 31 weeks and is still between the 0.4th and 2nd centile. At his weigh in last Tuesday he was 6.25kg. He is happy, alert, active, so I'm not bothered what other people say. It's difficult but be firm with people. I'm still breastfeeding at 7mths (have introduced a night formula feed the last few days because I need sleep!) and he eats/wees/poos well!
Your Not a failure Hun i get the same as Tegan is 6 months But tiny and petite i just let it go over my head now. your doing a great job xx
I feel the same sometimes, Lizzie is only just on the 25th centile line and there's a baby in our baby group who is the same age but MAHOOSIVE compared to Lizzie! But I like the fact she's petite (she'll stay my baby for longer :p), and she's perfectly happy and healthy so I try to ignore any comments about her being little :)
You're not a failure at all!

I went shopping the other day and 3 people throughout the day said (not even to me!) oooo how tiny! People look baffled when I say how old she is. Shes below the 25th line but not by much. Grrr to people.
i get the same but i dont let it get e down amelia was born 4lb 3oz and wasnt even on a centile till about 4 months old but she never loses weight always put it on so just smile and thankyou you are not a failure xxx
Rose I know how you feel although I am the other way Jasmine was 7lb 4 and she has put on loads of weight and one of the HV made a comment about it and I was really annoyed it's not like you can stop a baby eating (10 weeks at the time) My regular HV said Jasmine was fine and not to worry but I think it's easier said than done.
My perspective went to as long as Jasmine is happy and healthy thats fine with me and sod everyone else. I also think peopel forget how small babies are as loads of people also said she was tiny :0)
Don't feel like that! Zac is tiny too, he follows the 9th centile, but he is perfect, as I'm sure Caitlin is too. Being small hasn't limited him in any way, I'm sure people don't mean to upset you wen they say she is small xxx
I think we are all a bit over protective obviously when it comes to our Los! I totally understand, only I'm the opposite really! My LO was 7lb 13oz at birth not sure how much now at 5 month but his weight always been around 50 centile but his height is up on 75th and so when people ask how old he is, they then say is that all?? He's really big! And I don't like that at all! To me he's still my little baby! Then I get oh he's gona be really tall etc people just think they got right to comment on everything instead of keeping noses out!! Xx
my LO is the same as well. Went down to 3lb 10ish lb at birth and on the 2nd centile. but small is cool xxxxxxxxxxx
I get it all the time too so know how you must feel. People will ask how old Tomos is and when I say 6 months I get this look off them and then 'oh isn't he small'.
He is well below the lowest percentile for his actual age and for his corrected age he is at 0.4 percentile. But he's piling on the weight and he's grown loads since he was born.
On the otherhand my friend had a baby a few2 weeks after me and he's a beast (a very cute beast). He's already in 12-18months clothes and she gets everyone saying that he's so big
God people really annoy me! I know the feeling, I have one particular friend that has a baby the same age as Sofia, Sofia follows the 50th centile and hers the 9th. But she is forever saying how small and skinny Sofia looks (even though she isn't small or skinny) but it makes me feel like shite! I wouldn't dare say that to anyone about their babies! Every baby is different, not all are the same age and look exactly the same or weigh the same!! It's how the individual baby develops. As long as they are putting on weight, have love and food thats all you need for now! Ignore everyone honey, I try to! Xx
Thanks all. I knew you would all make me feel better xxx

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