Feel really gutted

Blondie Em

Active Member
May 14, 2008
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It's been 12 days since my embryo transfer and I do not feel in the least bit pregnant at all. I can't get over the fact that I'm convinced it hasn't worked. I've tested recently and got a BFN and can't get over the absolutely gutted feeling. I'm not supposed to officially test until Sunday but there are so many posts on here about ladies testing early and getting BFP's, that I am convinced it's not meant to be :cry:

I will get another shot at it (in this budget year although next financial year will be a different story for sure) but to be honest at this moment in time, the thought of going through it all again makes me want to cry. I know I'm lucky to get more then one funded cycle and I appreciate that some people would love the opportunity of another chance and I really don't mean to sound so ungrateful.....but I can't help it....

Anyway, sulk over, off to make the tea and depress my hubby with my negativity xxx
I'm really sorry you're feeling down Blondie :hug:

How many days post transfer did you test?

I don't believe in all that "feeling pregnant" bs. I've seen too many ladies feel pregnant (including myself) and not being and too many that don't feel anything and get their BFPs.
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I never felt PG at all with my daughter , not a thing , i was only late for my period by a week that made me test and the suprise when it was pos was unbelievable, then a couple of weeks later about 6 weeks pg i started to feel it x
hey blondie, i agree with louise, i tend to grill my pregnant friends on how they felt in the first few weeks of being prg and they all say they didn't feel any different and had no signs. i think us lttc tend to over-analyze every little feeling, myself included so don't give up hope yet and try to give us a smile :wave:
I'm really sorry you're feeling down Blondie :hug:

How many days post transfer did you test?

I don't believe in all that "feeling pregnant" bs. I've seen too many ladies feel pregnant (including myself) and not being and too many that don't feel anything and get their BFPs.

I agree with this. I've never felt more pregnant than when I wasn't. Every symptom you could muster, I thought I had. And then when I was, I didn't have a clue. I think AF and preg symptoms, for me anyway, are very similar.

Fx for you :hug:

I didn't feel pregnant at all. I only tested cos I dreamt I was. Otherwise I prob could of gone easily to 6 weeks gone without knowing.xx
thanks very much for your replies :kiss: .......just had a good cry and snotted all over Mr Blondie.

Louise - I tested yesterday and again this morning, so day's 11 & 12 past transfer. We had two put back as their quality deteriorated as the days passed and they said that they were about 60% quality, with grade A being 100%.

I've been getting really hot the past few days and was restless in bed last night which is generally a sign that I'm going to come on. If it is unsuccessful, does anyone know what the first period is like afterwards, does it just come as normal, is it delayed, is it heavy etc etc.

We have to wait three cycles before we can try again which will be January ish so if we are unsuccessful we are going to put back in for it and then see how we feel in a few months. I don't want to regret my decision not to try again in a couple of months time and then not have the opportunity because the budgets have been slashed for IVF in our PCT, which I'm told is nailed on going to happen.

Why is mother nature so blummin cruel.....the cow :mad:

Sorry to be a selfish mare x
Ah i see. I guess they set an official test date for a reason though so here's hoping :hug:

I didn't get to transfer but unless you get a BFP i can't see it making any difference.

I used to have a regular 28/29 day cycle and then the treatment cycle was 30 days and then the cycle after that was 40 days.

I seem to recall one of the bleeds lasting forever but i can't remember if it was the 30 day or the 40 day one :oooo:

Then i started my next cycle so i don't know how it would have gone.

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