feel out of my depth, can anyone help!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2007
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Evan was born on Valentine's day and I am breastfeeding well it would seem as he hasn't lost any of his birth weight. Can I just ask a few questions to be reassured as I think I have the baby blues and feel like I am not coping too well:

Is it normal to feed sometimes every hour then not for 3?

Is it ok not to take all the milk from one breast in a feed and should I put him back on there for the next feed?

And when crying, I usually change a nappy (if necessary) then try feeding - did this earlier and he fed then projectile vomitted all the milk - no tears tho then fell asleep - is this something to worry about?
jussy said:
Is it normal to feed sometimes every hour then not for 3?

perfectly normal hun

Is it ok not to take all the milk from one breast in a feed and should I put him back on there for the next feed?
if it is within an hour I would put him on the same side, if not then swap

And when crying, I usually change a nappy (if necessary) then try feeding - did this earlier and he fed then projectile vomitted all the milk - no tears tho then fell asleep - is this something to worry about?
he might have had some trapped wind, or had been upset about something else and fed for comfort but his tummy couldn't hold it all. Again that is normal, my pair did it a few times and they were fine.

It sounds like you are doing really well hun, esp with no weight loss. Baby blues do hit and it does sound like you have them but breastfeeding a newborn is also incredibly tiring emotionally. It si ok to feel a bit lost, you are both learning about breastfeeding and it will take some time. Is there a baby cafe near you, it is a great place to go out and meet other mums and get breastfeeding advice (I found mine a lifesaver).

Sending you a massive hug, you are doing brilliantly - be proud!!!!
thank you thank you and thank you again! :hug: Think this is all I need, some reassurance. Do you know how I can find out about a b/f cafe?

I have only seen my M/W twice since I've been home (last Monday) - is that normal too?
what beanie says hun, google babycafe there is a website.

Its terribly difficult the first few weeks but I promise you it does get better and you can always sound off in here there is always someone knocking about, we have a breast buddy system in the Tri section, maybe PM valentine and ask for a buddy to help too.

keep with it, focus on feeding your LO as much as he needs and hopefully it will get better soon.

If you need your MW more call her and ask her to come and see you, this is what they are there for postnatally
It sounds like you're doing really well! We ha the projectile vomit thing from week 1 to about week 5 or 6, it slowly stopped and now *touch wood* it's a really rare thing. I think Lucy was just greedy and guzzling far too much for her little tum, so what didn't fit came back out on me!
Sounds like your doing a fantastic job hun & feeling a bit up & down in perfectly normal considering all the changes your body has just gone through. Hopefully things will settle for you in a few weeks if not have a chat with your HV/GP.

As for feeding irregular at the moment, he is feeding to increase your milk supply so just carry on as your doing and let him feed when he want to and this will increase your supply until it gets to a level that he is happy with :) clever things these babies hehe! When feeding my DD in the early days I used to feed from one breast for one feed then the opposite one for the next if she'd had alot from first. I think everyone is different & you will develop your own way of doing things, try to relax and trust your judgement as it sounds like your doing a great job so far :D

Well done! x :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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