Feel miserable


Sep 3, 2017
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Don't get me wrong...I can't wait to be a mom. I'm really excited. But since about week 5 (now week 12)I just feel ill all the time. To make matters worse I had my scan on Tuesday, which they said looked fine but three days later I missed a call (on a Friday afternoon) from a screening midwife saying I need to call her back! I tried but she'd left, so I've been stressed all weekend bcos I know it's about the nucal test etc this is my first baby and I feel really alone and scared. To top things off it's my first day back at work tomorrow so if I go in with bad results from midwife I'm gonna look like an emotional wreck. Could really do with a friendly bit of support
Aww darling I can relate this is my second baby, and I've been so sick and have to take anti sickness daily otherwise I can't function :(
I think sadly some women sail through pregnancy without worry and feeling ill whilst others really do struggle. Hopefully it eases up for you but if not go to the doctors and see what you can take ..
as for the phone call I know it is impossible not to worry but do try it may not be what you think and something to do with your bloods or urine sample and which could be a simple thing like an infection.
It doesn't nessasarily mean there's anything wrong with the little bubba

Good luck xxx
Hi steph. Your midwife might be calling you to let you know the screening was ok as some do as part of their normal practice. Try not to worry until you know. Now youre 12 weeks, it wont be long b4 you start to feel better. Its usually around 12-13 weeks you feel better so hold out a bit longer. I hope you feel better after talking to midwife.but even if the test comes back as high risk, which might mean further testing requires, it doesnt mean your baby will definately have downs. Many women classed as high risk of downs go on to have a child without downs. X
Don't panic until you know what the missed call was about. This happened to me and I needed to have another set of bloods done as my lot I had done clotted. Monday tomorrow so hopefully you'll have answers. X
Hi Stephie, sorry to read you're having a rough time. Have you spoken to your screening midwife yet? X
Thank you for everyone's messages- they really helped to know someone is listening! I've had a horrible day, I called the midwife first thing and she told me I have a high risk for downs at which point I broke down and didn't really take more in. I went to see her in person (horrible cold and uncaring midwife at heartlands) she was surprised I opted for a non evasive panaroma test instead of the amnino. I ended up being quite abrupt with her as I felt she wasn't listening to my wishes. However, I'm trying to stay positive and have this test booked privately tomorrow. Then I've got to wait 10 days for results. That will be the hard bit. ..making decisions. On a plus my morning sickness has been better today...ironic I know...
I'm so sorry, that must have been a shock. They don't always get it right though, a friend of mine was told her baby would be severely disabled but he's nearly 3 now and there's nothing wrong with him at all. I know it's difficult but try not to worry, plenty of people come back high risk and it comes to nothing. Good luck tomorrow x
Thank you for everyone's messages- they really helped to know someone is listening! I've had a horrible day, I called the midwife first thing and she told me I have a high risk for downs at which point I broke down and didn't really take more in. I went to see her in person (horrible cold and uncaring midwife at heartlands) she was surprised I opted for a non evasive panaroma test instead of the amnino. I ended up being quite abrupt with her as I felt she wasn't listening to my wishes. However, I'm trying to stay positive and have this test booked privately tomorrow. Then I've got to wait 10 days for results. That will be the hard bit. ..making decisions. On a plus my morning sickness has been better today...ironic I know...
Big hugs.

I had a call in a similar manner a few days after my test from the screening midwife. I had low pappA in my bloods but the other part of the test was normal. Did they tell you your risk factor? It could be 1:149 so just under the cut off which is still quite low risk. Was the nuchal translucency measurement high?

I had the serenity test to rule out chromosome issue and got the result back in 5 working days. It was a tough wait but I now have the assurance that there is no chromosome abnormality with my baby. I hope this is the case for you as well x
Hi stephie...waiting is the hard part but even if high risk there is a good chance your baby wont have downs. If 1:149 then that means 148 out of the 149 wont have downs. This is one of my major concerns with this pregnancy as im 42 so have increased risk. I am only 9 weeks tho so have ages to wait. The midwife at heartlands sounded horrible. Hopefully your private screening will shed more light and theyll be nicer and more understanding. Try and stay positive....and busy! Hope it goes ok x
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Try and stay positive, i bet it's been such a shock and not what you wanted to hear. But they can get it wrong I promise. My mother bless her was told I was a 1 in 10 chance of having Down's syndrome it took 11 weeks for that odd to change to 1-200 and she decided to keep me as of that monent .. and I definitely do not have Down's syndrome. They can be wrong.
Good luck with the test today ♥️
Thanks again for ur messages of support! I'm just waiting now. Should have results on Wednesday and we can go in on Thursday. I'm being very busy and trying not to dwell on things but sometimes that's hard. After I was given these results I told my mom about the baby, I didn't imagine this was the way I would be announcing it but oh well. She was supportive even tho I didn't expect that and can understand that we both wud not like a baby with downs. I keep thinking about people's reactions if the baby is downs and we decide to terminate. People have very strong views on abortion never mind aborting a disabled child. I hope I will never have to make this decision but I am quite calm now and thinking that my fate, whatever it is has been decided. It's a risk of 1:27 which I think is very high but I know there's a chance it isn't too. I'm 36 and I know a lot is about my age so hopefully the test will show negative for downs. Apparently this test will eventually be allowed on nhs but I think that's a long way off, I just could not have amnio with this option. I'm also worried that at 36 Ian's trying for 3 years this is my only hope....
Hi stephie. Did you opt for a private screen? If so was it the harmony test? Im going to be booking harmony test for end of next week as im 42 aamd will be 10 weeks tom. I cannot bear the thought of waiting till 14 weeks before we get the test (which is only 80% accurate). I wouldnt worry about peoples reactions, you can always tell the pregrancy doesnt look viable if you decide to proceed. Im having similar anxieites as know risk is higher for me but also trying to keep myself busy. I will have to wait 7 days to get results back. I hope you get good results back and you can start to look forwards x
Hi Melly, we were going to have the harmony test but we opted for panaroma which is the most in depth screening you can have. It's £500 privately but we just wanted to get all possible problems out there so we can prepare. At the end of the day, this is a small price to pay instead of putting babies life at risk with amnio as I feel this is my only chance to be a mom. The harmony test is about £395 but only checks for downs Edwards and Patau .Let me know why you decide...good look with yours too chick x
The harmony test locally for us is £425 and i think looks at all three and turners. It has 99% accuracy. I dont think they offer panorama test....might check again. Agree though, its a small price to pay. Hope your results come back ok x

What do you get in addition then for panorama as could find out what more they offer? I think my main concerns will be screened for in harmony. X
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Melly - would u not have screening with scan at 12 weeks first?

Blood tests are taken around week 13 here then you have to wait for results....they are only 80% accurate...as im 42...given they take age into account when calculating risk, its likely i will come out as high and will need further testing and not keen on amnio.by getting harmony, i find out earlier and its 99% accurate so wont need amnio regardless if results. I think its worth it. X

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