Feel lost


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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My DH and I want to get started ttc again straight away and I think this is our way of dealing with how we feel - to try to put things back the way they were. Problem is he really seems to want to conceive this month although he doesn't say that, and keeps asking me when I will ovulate. The answer is I don't know. I miscarried nearly 3 weeks ago and if I was having a normal cycle I would be due to ovulate now (day 17) but I'm not. I have no fertile fluid and all I am doing is getting scared that my body won't return to normal. I feel like I'm a broken version of a woman and I don't work properly and maybe can't have his babies. I'm scared he will start to see me this way too.

Can anyone honestly tell me how soon they ovulated after their miscarraige? Or how long it was before they got their first period?

Please don't tell me to give myself time. I'm so sorry to moan, will try to be more positive tomorrow.

Hugs to anyone else who feels low today :hug: :hug: :hug: Thank God for this forum.
Hi Becs

I miscarried not long before you... We have been trying anyway.... Since I stopped bleeding I didnt really see it doing me any harm, and we didnt want to waste any eggies! I have no idea if i have ovulated, or when AF will come. Just been bedding loads just incase! I always have long cycles (about 36 days anyway).

Dont really know what else to say - I am crap at this stuff!

BIG HUGS cause I completley understand!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It was an couple of months for me till i ovulated again, then i used an online fertility calender to help me concieve agsin as my cycle went haywire as it does after an traumatic loss.
Becs im so sorry your feeling so low today hun.
Lots of hugs for u :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I cant really help you with this one as Im still bleeding :roll: but I do know that it can take while for your body to get back to normal again.... I know thats not really what u wanna hear sorry hun.

Yeah I dont see any problem with trying again before period as medically there is no reason why not to.

Keep ur chin up babe, just remember that this a one of those awful 'bad days' and tomorrow will be brighter... Its hard to stay positive & Im not gunna tell u to cos its easier said than done.

Just try to get through today as best u can.

Im thinking of you, PM me if you wanna chat xxxxxx
Thank you all so much I just read your comments and can't tell you how much they help! Gemmap27, I'm so sorry you are in the same boat. Let's keep our fingers crossed for us both to concieve again really soon, with very sticky ones. I've done a little research today on the net and most articles say to expect ovulation to occur 2 to 4 weeks after the miscarriage, so heres hoping that's us :D

Thank you again everybody who wrote back, you are all so lovely, I really appreciate it.

Becs xxx
hi becs
I am the same as you, I m/c 3 weeks ago and we where keen to try again last weekend but like you i felt like a broken woman...i think do what your body tells you, my gyne told me i was fine to try straight away and you can ovulate v quickly after...time is great healer they all say physcially and emotionally but if your body says ok then i reckon it is fine, goodness knows then we will have our periods, keep in touch as we have both m/c at similar times and maybe feeling similar emotions, I had a weekend of ' it was my fault' and i became obsessed with finding out about progesternone supplements....looking forward to hearing you have a bfp and many others on this site...all my toes and fingers xx

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