Feel like OH dont care! RANT


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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Just need to off load!

its really silly of me coz i know he does but sometimes i wish hed show me a bit more,

he says he dosent see me as being pregnant as im too independant havent moaned to him about anything (pregnancy related) and am carrying on as normal, im still working full time have 2 teenagers to run round after and 2 horses to look after, as well as make tea wash clothes and clean the house, and i havent slowed down yet!!

maybe i shoukld start moaning that i ache am tired and feel useless that might make him pay me some attention!!
I don't think men get what hard work being pegnant is! Big hugs! Hope you feel better soon! and worst comes to worst, go on strike with all the house stuff and make him do it!
you need a pamper day to yoursself! and as pinky says go on strike that will show him lol!! xxx
Yes, strike out is always good! I admit I play on it sometimes but then I think he knows it & just does what I want him to do anyway :lol:
I agree that you should go on strike, then he will realise how much work you do :)
Oh I know how you feel! Maybe we should be playing the pregnancy card now and put our feet up!
had to laugh ive ranted on about him today and hes just sent me a text saying hes taking me out for dinner tonight ahh bless him.

maybe hes not that bad after all lol
Lol! Maybe you have been dropping subtle hints you hadnt even realized! Have a nice meal out!
lol ive not said anything to him, im like that i expect him to know lol, maybe that ive only 7 weeks to go has finally hit him and he thinks im over doing it!! either that or the thought of having a nice cold beer and a meal while i have to drive is too much for him to resist!! lol

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