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Feel like I'm going mad!


Jun 27, 2011
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Hi All, I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first baby and feel like I'm going mad! As a full time working professional, this is the first time ever I feel like I'm totally out of control and am scared to death. I know I'm probably being stupid and that everything is fine, but every time I have a tummy cramp or something similar I fear the worst. I know this cannot be healthy and am really trying to relax, but finding it very difficult. I'm hoping that talking things through on here might make it easier. Am I normal to feel this way?
Sounds totally normal to me. I think that if I hadn't found this site while we were TTC, and then had it for support in the first few weeks I would have felt exactly the way you do. But now you've found us, we're here to help and give answers to qusetions or concerns. If you look back over old posts you'll find many of the ladies on the forum asking about twinges or cramps and being told this is normal in the first few weeks as your body adjusts to being pregnant. I hope with support here you'll be able to relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Congratulations and welcome to the forum x
Yes, you are perfectly normal!!!! It seems that pregnancy can turn even the most sensible person completely round the bend!

I think you have the right idea though - try to relax (easier said than done) and chat through your worries. I find this forum really helps as everytime I'm in a panic about something (cramps etc) I pose a quick question and then in no time at all several people are replying 'that's all normal, I have that all of the time!'

Also, maybe try to spend an hour a day where you make a consious effort to think about something completely different. I find that if I'm kept busy I feel much better. Maybe thinking of others/helping others/spending time with friends, and then we're less likely to worry about ourselves and stops the all-consuming panic!

Hope that helps!

Im approx 6 weeks today and feel EXACTLY the same!

Its a scary time and agree even the most rational women become total wrecks about it all! Im still in disbelief and keep thinking everytime i go to the loo ill be bleeding or something xxx
Perfectly normal, I was the same. It was getting to the point I was driving myself mad worrying about twinges, cramps etc...and if it wasnt those, I was then worrying about how I'll cope when I have the baby

I calmed myself down by telling myself that regardless of whether I worried or not, what will be will be.
I feel the same bean. When ttc I managed to keep a sense of control by monitering bbt and using OPKs and that made me feel like I was doing something. Now I'm pregnant I'm struggling to find similar things to do to make me feel more 'in control' but I'm just reading every pregnancy book I can get my hands on. The support on here also really helps.
I totally agree guys, TTC gave me a sense of control and something to focus on.
As someone who had a MMC, I really hate the fact that my body is in control of whether this bean gets through the 1st 3 mnths or not, and I know fiest hand that if is not meant to be, then no amount of healthy eating, no smoking, no drinking or'taking it easy' that can change 'what will be'.
So diffiicult and if I hadnt found this forum id have gone mad by now.
My hubby is great dont get me wrong but he doesnt like raking things over and just says 'dnt worry' and 'try to relax'


We also dont want to think of bean as a baby or anything long term further than the following day, and that is self preservation because of our miscarraige last time.

I almost feel like we cnt enjoy this happy time because we r setting outselves up for disapointment.

Big hugs to the preg-fam!!

:):) :)
Thanks ladies, its good to know that I'm not alone! I will have to learn to control these feelings, but its nice to know that there is lots of support out there. After having cramps all night, i am trying to be a little bit more positive this morning as (touch wood) there is nothing to suggest anything is wrong as I'm not bleeding. I just feel like I'm being neurotic at times and I agree whilst my husband is brilliant, he is very matter of fact about things which doesn't help at times. Hope you are all well today? I'm off shopping to buy some books! LOL xxxx
I think that's normal. I just "accepted" that I really have gotten a bfp and I'm terrified. What if it's not really a bfp? I have all these thoughts in my head, but I've decided to put them away and DO a lot. Everything will be fine in the end:)
I know what you mean. I worry about every twinge and cramp. Through the night last night i was having mild period type pains again on and off. They are gone now but it still worries me every time.

And no, your not the only one who feels like your going mad. I am trying very hard to keep positive and calm, definately easy said than done.

Just because i was unlucky last time round doesn't mean that this time will be the same. Every pregnancy is different, but i would love to have a happy ending.

Take care sweetie xx
I had the same last night and woke up convinced something was wrong! Thankfully all seems ok, but I seem to be producing a lot of white watery discharge which I think is also normal and to do with an increase in hormones. I felt sick this morning for the first time too which funnily enough re-assured me a little too! Never thought I would actually get to the stage of wanting to feel awful! LOL. We'll keep each other calm. Have a good day chick xxx
I know the feeling of wanting to feel awful, now I wish I hadn't! Although I think I've got away with it pretty lightly. Its definitely a shock to the system and I've just tried to be as matter of fact as possible, still terrified of every cramp (and I get a lot) but calmed by the lack of bleeding, and knowledge that the scan is getting closer with every day (still 2 weeks to go though!). Hope you don't get too much sickness and find this forum as useful as I have int he first few weeks :) xx
I had a lot of nasty little twinges last time with my first, so I thought I would be totally cool about it this time, but if I stand up too quickly and get doubled over in pain, I still panic!

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