feel like an old lady!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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i just wet myself

OH MY GOD!! i sneezed and it just went down my leg!!!
what if it happends in public???
twice before when i have really really needed a wee have i had a couple of drops in my knicks but nothing like this! and i didnt even need to have a wee!! :shock:

:shakehead: im doomed aint i?
Lmao! I'm sorry but it's a little funny! It used to happen to me all the time. Pregnancy is so glam! X
it is isnt it! so do i need to buy a pregnancy changing bag now with change of clothes, wipes, pads and fresh smells? how imbaressing! :(
I go to the loo pretty much every time I get up to avoid that as despite never really having much to do when I get there, I feel like I need to go all the time so don't want to risk anything!

Are you at home or work now?
got a day of today but working this weekend then NO MORE WORK!

i used to need to run to the toilet every 5 min but lately i never really need to go..
Oh no, that's bad! Touchwood I haven't done that but I'm constantly needing a wee!!
ive had it where ive needed the toilet badly when ive been out in public but think a trickle came out luckily.hopefully that never happens to me, but then again everything happens to me so im sure it will at some point :) x
hahah this made me laugh so much isobel

its happened to me before when i laughed or sneezed should stop happening soon enough for you xx
lols i think we all understand this one!! pantyliners are a must
from now on im not going anywhere without a pantyliner! :(
what a passionkiller i have become! :(
what pregnancy does to us eh its terrible lol :)
aww no!!

bless ya hun, hope ur ok, i havnt had this yet (but hope to god i dont experience it either) maybe it was a one off??

Oh poor you :( It's okay it really does happen all the time xx
Aww i get that too. When i go to the loo obviously it hasn't emptied properly as i get a trickle afterwards..one time it went all the way down my leg and i thought it was my waters..such a passion killer i tell you!

We can be pissy pants together.
Aww i get that too. When i go to the loo obviously it hasn't emptied properly as i get a trickle afterwards..one time it went all the way down my leg and i thought it was my waters..such a passion killer i tell you!

We can be pissy pants together.

hahahaha ok deal! but im not telling Demba!
Hahaha! I had to tell Lee about my excess um discharge as he likes to have a wander and i didn't want him to feel anything he shouldn't EWWWWWW :sick:
mm dont we all just feel sexy! Lol

Yodabo - I get that like all the time, finish.. wipe.. wait.. stand up.. and still trickle Lol

Worse is when im throwing up though, the amount of times ive ended up wetting myself then is ridiculous, i strip before leanin over the loo now lol save myself the laundry just in case!
Hahaha! I had to tell Lee about my excess um discharge as he likes to have a wander and i didn't want him to feel anything he shouldn't EWWWWWW :sick:

well i have warned Demba that wherever he touch, fingers or squeese its always a risk he will get something he wont expect.
Like everytime he bites me nipples i find it hard to enjoy now as im worried he will get a mouthfull :oooo:

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